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Comment Re:Employees are assets - in a good way (Score 1) 383

" Take the emotion out of it for a moment. "
no. That's the point. The shouldn't take the human out of it. They should take that into account when making these decisions.

Thank about it: We are creating a system to dehumanize our own species from survival.
That's bad, and it far more important then optimizing a bonus structure.

Comment Re:I guess they won't need any more foreign Visas? (Score 2, Insightful) 383

"You want to be paid more money? Produce a better product. "
nope. That does not impact pay. Get thing out at the arbitrary schedule, regardless of quality, mean you are a team player, and as such worth more.

Look at you own post. It seems Oracle, SAP, MS, et all make a lot of money with their crappy products.
Yeah, I work with them to.

We need a solid push for actual engineer in software. Not just some coder who calls themselves an engineer(often illegally), but someone who is certified and needs to sigh off on projects. Lets put actual testing in place. Actual documentation.
Like actual Professional Engineers.

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"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
