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Comment Re:This study is nothing but Communist propaganda (Score 1) 961

Its all content cartel propaganda designed to keep us fighting with each other while not noticing how badly we are being screwed in a rigged system. How many of these talking empty heads on The Hippy News Network (MSNBC) or The Clinton News Network (CNN) or The White Trash News Network (Fox) has the guts to talk about net neutrality? None! For the most part we don't vote we don't riot and we pay our taxes and the rich asswipes know this and use us as suckers. When they have us paying for TV thats already PAID FOR with commercials yep we are suckers. When they force us to pay 60+ bucks a month for broadband thats less than 10 bucks a month in most other places in the world yep we are suckers. When we have to pay well over 200 bucks for 30 nexium capsules when the rest of the world pay less than 50 yep we are suckers ... I could fill a small library with examples yet we fight tooth and nail with each other over stupid shit all the while the rich are robbing us blind. Why? Cause you got it we are suckers.

Comment Re:The same kind of policies... (Score 2, Interesting) 452

Cameras on street corners - ISP's spying on customers for the MPAA/RIAA - Law enforcement backdoors - Games that won't play in single player mode without 'calling home' - Warrant less wire taps - Torture - Cell phone co. law enforcement websites that give instant access to GPS data - Government tracking cookies and malware - Forced to 'show your papers' to travel - Almost daily videos of police beatings - Sick people jailed for medical cannabis - Full body scanners - For profit jails (and judges) - DMCA - EULA's - DCI byte (broadcast flag) - Private for profit armies - IP enforcement disguised as cyber security - Drug tests - Rigged media ... I can go on lol Pot meet kettle

Comment Re:Luddites (Score 2, Informative) 171

In the south you can/do lose your job house and friends if you come out of the closet as a non-believer. In Tennessee and some other states you can't run for elected office unless you pass the religious test. Article IX, Sec. 2, of the Tennessee constitution (engagingly titled "No Atheist shall hold a civil office"): "No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments shall hold any office in the civil department of this state."

Comment Well... (Score 1) 197

You can't really blame mickeymousesoft for doing what our overlords the content cartels them. Seeing all those RIAA lawyers in the 'just-us' dept and the VP telling the MPAA "we are your best friends" ALL of us should see whats coming. Very soon you will see the elected wind up drones start saying 'Linux = stealing'. And with the courts stacked with pro rich people right wing activist judges. Banks and insurance co's are small change the real power is the content cartels. When you control everything the people see and hear you rule. Name one other business that can sell the same thing twice without going to jail? ... the answer is none. Yet we are charged for TV thats already PAID for with commercials. They keep us divided with left/right el toro poo poo and FORCE us to pay for it with The Hippy News Network (MSNBC) The Clinton News Network (CNN) and White Trash News (Fox). To watch one you gotta pay for all 3. This dog and pony show is designed to keep the public distracted from how bad we are getting screwed by rich people. If the media took 10 min's to teach everyone the history of bucket shops in 1907 and apply that to wall street today (credit default swap) things would change in a hurry and it wouldn't be pretty.

Comment Re:They better (Score 1) 452

I have a mythdora box as well as my HD Tivo. Currently beta testing version 12 of mythdora based on fedora 12 and ... well its gonna rock when its out :) The HD5500 is great for ATSC where I live. And thank you Nvidia for off loading all the decoding to the GPU. About 10% cpu load playing back a .mkv. I also just setup my first non Linux PC in over 10 years. I built a file/backup server with Freenas. Talk about easy the rtfm's I found were well written not dumbed down and right to the point. And the web gui interface is very nice to use. Now to find me some crons hehe later ld

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