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Comment Re:Deeply ashamed? (Score 1) 197

I agree, even civil damages for fraud would be difficult. We don't have current law to cover this.

This is why, when you watch/read stock market analysis, all brokers ALWAYS disclose whether they own the stock they are providing advice on, lawmakers passed a "full disclosure" law, to provide transparency and prevent manipulation of the market.

Perhaps we need additions to Fed. regulations to cover disclosures by business employees on their own products and services. (not saying that they cannot do reviews, just that they must provide DISCLOSURE of their connection and potential conflict of interest)

Comment Re:Deeply ashamed? (Score 1) 197

check out Crashplan, does continuous incremental local and offsite backup, you and a friend each back up to the others machine (each add an external HD or whatever), has ability to schedule and limit bandwidth use, cross platform, encrypted, blah blah. best part is there is a free license for personal use, up to 10 machines. They also have a service they sell for backing up to their servers, but that sounds expensive. I am testing free version (prior to buying commercial ver.) at my non-profit where I work, so far so good. One week of backups, w/ tested selective restores, no problems yet.

Comment Re:Stupid double standard (Score 1) 904

I don't know why Google would show penises and not clitorises, but if you think that the public is more offended by women's genitalia than men's, you are a raving idiot. Just watch television. I have seen full frontal nudity many times on television. Not once have I ever seen full frontal nudity of a man on television. Go to the movies. you will see plenty of full frontal nudity of women in R rated movies. You won't get a single shot of a penis until you go to X. You view that women's genitalia is considered more acceptable than men's is patently wrong.

If a guy grabs all the dangling bits, and tucks them between his legs, leaving only a triangle of hair, and takes a photo, THEN you can try and make your comparison of the female and male photos/ratings. Or more to the point, if the girl is spread wide open, then it would be on a par with the full frontal nude male. Not wrong at all, but thanks for trying.

As for breasts? You do have a bit of a point. It does seem absurd that flashing an A cup boob is a crime if you are a woman, while flashing a C cup isn't if you are a man. I am rational enough to understand though that this misguided law comes from the fact that women use their breasts as sexual organs far more frequently than men do. I think is safe to assume that you are fully aware of this fact.

Actually, I think that most women might feel that men are the ones that "use," ie. objectify and sexualize, a women's breasts.

As for breast feeding in public... If it is illegal to show your breasts, then it should apply equally across the board. If you addressed it at that level, I could support you. But, claiming that it is "SIMPLY A BABY EATING" is disingenuous at best. If you want to claim that it is just a bathroom issue, then you could get a lot more support by suggesting that places like malls install breast feeding rooms. It's not that hard. I've seen them, and they have always been far more comfortable and clean that the common areas.

In California, it is NOT illegal, quite the opposite, nursing is a protected activity under state law, interfering with a nursing mother is the illegal activity. I am all for businesses and other public facilities that put in feeding rooms, family bathrooms with changing tables, and lots of other appropriate facilities, but I do not believe that they all should be forced to do so. If there is no reasonable alternative, then the baby has as much right to "eat at the table" as you do. Frankly most women I know really appreciate feeding rooms and the like for nursing mothers, they don't want to be a spectacle, or cause a scene, they just want to take care of their baby!

Look, you can get offended that people don't want to see your wife's tits. Personal, I do, and would love for you to post a link where I and anybody else that wants to see them can go and get a look at them, but then I'm also not offended by blow jobs. That doesn't mean I don't understand when other people don't want to see be getting one, or even seem my penis when it doesn't have someones mouth attached to it.

As for the "It is NOT sexual", that is unfortunately not always true. It is pretty common for women to continue to breast feed for their own physical enjoyment. For some reason no one is arresting these women for child molestation, and they are often encouraged by people with "authority". Of course, appropriate age and reasons for breast feeding, whether in public or private, is kind of a different topic, but since you made the claim that it is not sexual as an absolute statement, you brought it into this discussion.

Wow, what do I say. You DON'T HAVE TO LOOK you know. Virtually always, the nursing mother will be sitting with, sometimes with a cloth over her shoulder in a pretense of privacy, in the booth in the back in the corner in the dark, figuratively speaking, and it is not that hard to just not look. Try it, it may help you deal with your issues.

Comment Stupid double standard (Score 4, Insightful) 904

If you set your Google SafeSearch filter on "strict filtering" and search for clitoris, you get zero returns.

But if you try a Google SafeSearch "strict filtering" search for penis, you get...

33,000,000 returns.

That's because "clitoris" is on Google's list of naughty words which are never, ever "safe." Penis is just fine, however. (

This double standard continues through many body part images. It would seem in today's morality, Men's breasts are totally acceptable, and can be published in photos and videos completely uncovered. Womens breasts however, are dirty and must be covered, even when feeding a child..

Several folks have posted comments to the effect to "take it to the bathroom" for breastfeeding mothers. Don't know about anybody else, but my wife is NOT feeding my son in the bathroom. Do you go to a stall in the bathroom for every meal you eat in public? (please don't tell me if you do). Nobody in my family is being forced to eat in the bathroom, including my nursing son.

If you don't like an infant's method of eating, you have personal problems, and should see someone about it. It is NOT sexual, it is NOT dirty, it is NOT something that needs to be done behind closed doors, it is SIMPLY A BABY EATING. jeesh. Grow up.

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