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Comment Re:Glass??? (Score 2) 307

Lots of businesses refuse to open cases to upgrade. They just scrap the old machine (or sell it, or give it to someone less important), and buy a new one. This is businesses, with professional IT staff.

Consumers are mostly even worse.

So the number of people who'll bother opening their cases is very small. The number of people who'll do so, and buy Macs is even smaller.

With thunderbolt, you can do a lot of upgrades just by plugging in a box. This makes upgrading a lot easier for most customers. And since that will be the only upgrade path, there'll be more (and cheaper) components than there are today. Plus, the resale of these components should be higher, since they won't just be sold to geeks.

So I'd say that the new MacPro will be *more* upgradable, to most people, even most professionals. Especially the ones who buy Macs.

Comment Re:Profanity? (Score 1) 334

> If all Linus is going to do is mouth off then perhaps it's time he just STFU and GTFO

Rubbish. I bet 99.99% of the time he's calm, collected, and insightful. But Slashdot doesn't report on "Linus explains why the new patch improving memory use in large systems is a great example of OO-style C".

Comment Re:Geotarding? (Score 4, Insightful) 153

> This is a huge blow for Apple

I doubt it. I've said (when Scott Forstall stepped down) that Apple realised that it's not in the data industry. Sure, they can do a bit in-house, but they just don't have the resources to cross the moat that Google has with its infrastructure, code, and expertise.

Apple does hardware, interfaces, and marketing very well. It leverages other company's products (its kernal, the BSD userland, GCC / LLVM, and Google's online stuff) when it lacks any real competitive advantage. Google is a harder pill to swallow (since they can't just fork it and modify things to suit their needs), but it's a battle they've chosen not to have.

Android and Glasses are what they should be focus on beating, and they won't beat them if they lumber their own devices with half-assed clones of the things Google does best.

Comment Re:Whining. (Score 1) 332

Threatening violence isn't passive aggressive. Passive aggression was invented by the military, to refer to underhanded insubordination. "Sorry sir, I was pinned down, so I couldn't get myself shot in battle. Maybe next time."

It's a perfectly rational response to an idiot in command (or, an idiot who thinks they are in command).

Saying you *want* to slap someone is outright aggressive. Saying you want to slap someone who's not here could be passive aggressive (if it's directed against a superior, or someone who'd hit you back). More likely, it's just tall talk.

Comment Re:This is here, because? (Score 1) 931

"No True Scotsman" is a funny thing.

Atheists don't (or shouldn't) believe there is any real difference between a Christian and a non-Christian. It's a sliding scale between atheism, agnosticism, casual belief, and fanatical belief. Nor is there any reason to believe that one camp is really better in every possible way.

Lots of fanatical Christians *do* believe there are two camps - the "real" Christians, and everyone else. That's why they play the "No True Scotsman" game - most of them actually believe there is a real difference between "real" Christians, and the rest; and that "real" Christians are morally better in every way. So if a "real" Christian does something (or worse - believes something) they don't agree with, they obviously weren't a "real" Christian.

(OK, that's a bit of a simplification - they still think that "real" Christians do bad things, but then God forgives them and they try not to do it again ... but they should certainly all *try* to live by the same moral code, since God is guiding them).

Comment Re:Find out what we need to get work done! (Score 3, Insightful) 737

They asked professionals what they wanted. The answer was "Windows 7, fuck another upgrade".

Windows 8 is aimed at consumers, not professionals. It's not even aimed at making consumers happy, it's aimed at training consumers in Microsoft's touch UI, so the consumers will consider getting a Surface Pro / RT, or a Windows phone.

Microsoft realised, after about 10 years of Apple kind its ass, that touch devices are here to stay. So they are trying to leverage their PC dominance to drive the sales of post-PC devices.

Will this upset professionals? Most of them won't upgrade anyway. Windows 7 is good enough for them.

Comment Re:Don't have to be perfect, just better (Score 1) 352

You'd need a lot of reinsurance, because there's a chance a flaw in the system could result in an insurer-bankrupting class action. To get re-insurance, you call up a guy like Warren Buffett (Global Re), who scratches his head, runs the figures, then says "OK, here's the price". He can afford to take the risk.

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