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Comment Re:It will never get built ... (Score 2) 31

| I can't really see soldering their stuff in uncontrolled atmosphere either, you need clean room conditions


When I worked at Widcomm, we did a lot of prototype assembly with these kinds of parts. We hired a part time worker who came in after her day job soldering this stuff all day. The little workstation in the corner of our lab worked just fine. You need to get proper equipment and somebody who knows how to use it.

But, yea, the budget is ridiculously inadequate.

Comment Meaningless (Score 2) 294

These speed tests are basically meaningless. There are too many factors that might affect the throughput and latency from your desktop or device to any given site.

Meaningful tests might include:

- local link test to neighborhood node, Internet access point - your ISP would need to install test servers in local (neighborhood, at least for cable setups) nodes and wherever traffic exits their network to the Internet. This would allow you to test latency and throughput within your ISPs own system. Obviously, this ultimately limits possible Internet speeds. Your ISP almost certainly already has these kinds of test servers. But they may or may not expose them or advertise them to users.

- A test employing MULTIPLE SIMULTANEOUS test servers. This would at least attempt to assess your available bandwidth "to the Internet".

You should not have any reasonable expectation of achieving the maximum theoretical throughput of your "Internet connection" to any given site. Or any one site at all. I do not know why people obsess so over these meaningless tests.

Comment Reversed order (Score 1) 547

The order is roughly reversed, the bottom two are already dead. And we can only hope that the third from the bottom would die but it won't.

No real justification is made, save for a couple of code examples for each language that the author finds somehow absurd. Oh, and he marched out the Twitter argument for Ruby. Yes, it's true: not every language is suitable for every purpose! No, Ruby was not appropriate to use for EVERYTHING to bring Twitter to scale.

While putting .net on the list won't make it die, I wish the author would put Java on the list. It won't die either, but we can hope.

Comment Re:Maybe not so silly (Score 1) 90

| Your point is absurd. How does a parent giving blood assess the capability of a child in a way comparable to an academic test?

It demonstrates supportive parents. This probably correlates with the student future success in school. It demonstrates a willingness and desire to advance.

| It's entirely possible that one child of a family will be Harvard-worthy, and the other totally useless. Not to mention that a hard-working individual from an unambitious family absolutely shouldn't be held back by that.

That's great if you have a wealthy educational system as we have (or had) in the U.S.

A hard-working individual from an unambitious family will likely have other opportunities to get a little extra credit. Or, at least, one would hope so.

Comment Relevant news - interesting timing... (Score 2) 78

This goes back 2 years, but just hit the news wires today:

LA JOLLA — UC San Diego has been targeted by a series of cyber attackers seeking access to sensitive research and other data since 2012 and officials say the so-called advanced persistent threat has prompted the campus to take steps to bolster its security.

The initial security breach, detected in June 2012, involved the use of stolen passwords by hackers targeting computer servers. University information technology security director John Denune said that no work was lost and no critical research data was accessed.

Comment Maybe not so silly (Score 1) 90

It's easy to poke fun at this, but maybe it's not so silly.

How much is a "point" worth? (What is the point scale?) If it's a 100-point scale, this might push somebody over the line by a half-grade (in our typical U.S. grading system).

If the parent gives blood as a result, it might mean that they are a good citizen looking out for the welfare of everyone, and that they are concerned about their child's future. This would seem positive for the child's education. If a child is teetering on the edge of some grade category or entrance requirement, then who's to say this isn't as valid as knowledge testing.

Well, it IS an entrance requirement, and so the intent must be to predict future results. So, it seems to have some relevance to me. Sure, it's a bit arbitrary and clearly tied to some unrelated state goal. But might be predictive of future results. The family goes along with the system and pitches-in to help, and so the child will likely do better in school.

It's not much different than considering non-grade aspects for entrance. Yes, the very idea of an entrance requirement for high school (other than making an appearance for n years) is foreign to westerners. But we also do have some tradition of giving some little "extra credit" or recognition for community participation - e.g. clubs and activities, etc. for entrance to college, or to some selective schools, etc. How is this that much different? Yea, it's about the parent, not the child, but I think it is seen as more of a family unit.

Comment Re:What's good about 4 out of 10 times wrong? (Score 1) 113

It's nice if you're right.

It's even nicer if you can make money even if you are wrong.

And better still if you can make money while being wrong most of the time.

You are mistaken if you think making money trading equities has anything to do with being right.

While I am out of the game (partner who was responsible for all expenses wouldn't spend on infrastructure improvements - my mistake was not kicking in from my own share of profits... he did not understand simple physics, and could not convince him it was a war of escalation) I did high-frequency trading from 1999 to 2003. When you are holding for milliseconds, you don't care about right or wrong. You care that your winners out-run your losers. We did thousands of trades every day, and made money nearly every day. Probably a handful of days when we had a loss and don't think we ever sustained a weekly loss. Certainly never a monthly one. We had no opinion on direction of the market or direction of the stock. All we cared is that our opening position (long or short) had some advantage.

Comment Sure, this is doable (Score 1) 63

It's only a concept, but, sure, this is doable.

You could probably do it with a Parrot ar.drone. In fact, I presume it's already been done.

I won an ar.drone 2.0 in a hackathon. I have to be honest, and say that, really, I won an ar.drone 2.0 by wandering down to a hackathon in my hotel seeking pizza and aspirin, found them, and then stuck around for a while. I showed somebody which API call to make to save an image in the Rhodes mobile platform, and got a drone as a contributor to the "honorable mention" Motorola team entry. (The Motorola employees weren't eligible for a prize, and they had a LOT of drones to give away...)

Anyway, I haven't played with it much yet. I was remarking to a friend how limited it is by the WiFi range, and they remarked that it would still be ideal for having the drone follow you around. The ar.drone seems to have everything it would need to do that.

Of course, it won't fit on your wrist.

The device in the video is a very similar configuration in smaller packaging.

Comment But what is the future of SMS? (Score 1) 40

SMS is a part of GSM circuit-switched technology (and retrofitted into CDMA). Carriers would like to eventually drop GSM altogether. In LTE, is't SMS supposed to eventually just be a virtual circuit, along with voice?

Then SMS isn't so simple, and loses a lot of it's robustness. An awful lot of stuff has to work vs the simplicity of SMS over GSM.

I wonder how reliable SMS will be when it is nothing more than just another packet, which may have somewhat higher priority over other packets?

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