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Comment Re:SPDY clarifications (Score 1) 310

In the real world, packets loss rates are typically 1-2%, and RTTs average 50-100 ms in the U.S.) The reasons that SPDY does better as packet loss rates increase are several: SPDY sends ~40% fewer packets than HTTP, which means fewer packets affected by loss.

But the packets are bigger. If packets are lost due to noise, increasing the size of a packet increases the probability of having an error within it. 10 dollars says you "tested" this in a simulation by fixing the probability of losing a packet, instead of fixing the error distribution. That's going to overestimate the improvements of having fewer smaller packets.

Comment Re:BAD (Score 1) 310

One year doesn't strike me as particularly slow, either. And what's the point of asking people to contribute now, when you've already designed and implemented your idea and put it in production? Isn't this the same Google that froze the WebM specification? Openness for standards is not the same thing as openness for source.

Comment Re:Time for a reboot? (Score 1) 453

Hi there, I'm a Mac user. I won't care about anything you do in Firefox until you give me Keychain integration. Keychain support is what made Chrome a viable alternative to Safari, and in fact I mainly use Chrome at the moment. But without all my passwords, the barrier to seriously trying out Firefox as my main browser is just too high.

Apple Asks Security Experts To Examine OS X Lion 417

An anonymous reader writes "For as much as Mac OS X has a reputation for being safer than Windows, security researchers won't hesitate to point out that the opposite is, in fact, true. But Apple's looking to change that. This past Thursday, Apple doled out a beta of OS X Lion to developers. In conjunction with that, Apple is also reaching out to noted security experts and offering them free previews of OS X 10.7 so that they can take a look at Apple's new security measures and reach back to Apple with any thoughts and concerns they might have. Indeed, Apple is becoming a lot more security conscious these days, not only in terms of reaching out to security researchers but also in its personnel hires."

Comment Re:someone, please explain this to me (Score 1) 566

The flap over VLC was because another developer ported the code and put it in the app store.

Well, it's not that simple. By the terms of the GPL, anyone has the right to port the code, even if the original developers object. The issue was that distributing an application with DRM, even if for free, puts you outside the GPL, and thus at the mercy of any of the copyright holders to charge you with copyright infringement. In this case, there was one core VLC developer (and Nokia employee, lol) who really wanted VLC pulled from the App Store, and neither Apple nor the other developers felt like going to court over it, so they had to pull the app.

Comment Re:Dilute your patent with MPLA (Score 1) 186

By trying to now establish a VP8 patent pool they are telling the world at large that WebM is just as good as what they have.

Non sequitur. Google's campaign is not based on VP8 being as good as H264, but on it being "patent-free". MPEG-LA is just telling the world that the choice is not between a better, but patent-encumbered codec and a worse, but patent-free one; it is between a better codec with a known licensing model, and a worse one whose patent status is simply unknown - and they're looking into it.

Comment Re:Opposite Experience with Adobe Download (Score 1) 348

An HTTP redirect is typically resolved in less than a second. If your download is going to take over a minute, that's less that 1% of your total download time.

But if you're using Akamai to serve web page content, one second is a huge delay. Adding one second to the download of a CSS stylesheet is likely to have a bigger impact on browsing speed than all of the JavaScript improvements browser makers have been boring us with this year.

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 1) 104

How is that a catch? Once the data is converted, you can write a new application that accesses DB2 directly; but on top of that, you can also keep your old application running while you write the new one. That's not a catch, that's a feature.

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