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Journal Journal: KVM recommendations

I appear to be in the market for a new KVM as my current one has all but stopped working. Any recommendations? Minimum 4 outputs. *Must* do VGA. My current one has mini-DIN for keyboard and mouse, which has sort of worked some of the time with USB-PS2 converters. I could probably go for a full USB only one, but I'd need to get new cables.

Comment Write your own code and use FOSS (Score 1) 88

The more I see of other people's code, the more I am inclined to write and test my own. That way I know it works and when it doesn't, I only have myself to blame. This isn't always possible because most tasks are way to big for a single person, so stick to well-used, well-understood, well-tested (in the real world) FOSS solutions. In general, closed-source vendor-proprietary code is dreadful.

Comment Motorjet (Score 1) 353

There is a thing called a motorjet or thermojet which was invented in the early 20th Century and was a fore-runner of the gas turbine.

In the days before most people realised that a self-sustaining gas turbine was possible, someone came up with the idea of using a reciprocating piston engine with a ducted fan or propeller to compress air and to inject fuel and burn in in the compressed air stream (like an afterburner on a modern jet engine).

Comment Re:I'm sure they're grateful for COBRA (Score 1) 287

Work hard? Why bother.

Quite, when you work yourself into illness to make the shareholders richer as they constantly cut back your resourcing, fire your colleagues, make deadlines shorter and freeze your pay, selling things that don't exist to customers expecting delivery tomorrow when there's 2 year's work to do to get it out the door...

As long as the stock price keeps going up, little things like customers and worker bees are merely incidental.

Anything else is commie.

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