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Submission + - Healthcare.gov Built by Canadian Firm (reuters.com)

joelsherrill writes: While I personally have nothing against our neighbors to the North, it seems ironic that Healthcare.gov was built by the Canadian firm CGI Corp. Anytime a high profile US government website has problems and it turns out to have been built by non-US companies, it is a recipe for a PR nightmare. Even more ironic is that Canada has a functional national health system but couldn't supply the US with a functional website. Conspiracy theorists wonder if this is a ploy by the Canadians to take over 17% of the US economy (stat from Wikipedia)?

Submission + - ESA Summer of Code In Space Application Deadline 1

joelsherrill writes: August 8 is the deadline for students to apply to participate in the European Space Agency's Summer of Code In Space (http://sophia.estec.esa.int/socis2013/). This is a great opportunity to contribute to the use of free and open source software in the space community and get paid. Eligible students should look through the list of software projects participating (http://sophia.estec.esa.int/socis2013/?q=node/13) and see what interests them.

As the organization administrator for the RTEMS Project (http://www.rtems.org), I am honored to be participating again and can't wait to see what students propose.

Comment Re:Lack of Publicity (Score 1) 156

Your scoreboard looks interesting and if you could get information in front of the 1000s of youth soccer leagues, it has potential. I have no proof of this but suspect that the kickstarter audience is (as a broad and biased sweep) NOT the athletic type and most are not the parents of 4-13 year old soccer players. This looks like a product that needs word of mouth in the RIGHT community.

Have you all taken it out to soccer fields and shown it in action?

Have you tried to get the attention of an organization like http://www.usyouthsoccer.org/ and get it featured in a review or article in whatever news outlet they have?

Have you talked with local high school coaches about this and offered them loaners?

Once you get a little local exposure at the soccer field, call the newspapers and television stations and see if they will feature a story on this. A local feel good story might find you other marketing outlets or an angel backer.

DISCLAIMER: I am a backer of Bartendro on kickstarter. Others have mentioned being backers of nerdy board or computer games. Maybe kickstarter isn't the best place to hawk a sports related product. :)

Comment Re:disposable tech (Score 1) 418

A friend of mine who ran a TV repair business saw the writing on the wall when he had to start paying upwards of USD5K a year to a single manufacturer to get manuals. And the parts became entire modules with higher costs. He focused on higher end systems since anything cheap enough isn't worth the cost to repair. Eventually he gave up and went to work for LG.

Comment Re:I didn't watch the speech (Score 1) 583

My son is studying economics this semester and his textbook mentions that price controls were in effect at the time which had some unintended consequences. There is a section in the wikipedia article on how changes in currency value led to periodic jumps in the price OPEC wanted to keep oil at the same income to them as a supplier. Also this price control apparently impacted existing oil fields and not new ones. It became more profitable to quit using old fields and drill new ones to avoid the price controls.


I am all in favor of efficiency and lower resource consumption but there were many external factors impacting the 1970s oil market.

Comment Pot Meet Kettle (Score 5, Informative) 513

Has anyone looked at the Privacy link at the bottom of the login screen for outlook.com?


Quoting here: "Uses of Information: Additional Details
  We use the information we collect to provide the services you request. Our services may include the display of personalized content and advertising.
  We use your information to inform you of other products or services offered by Microsoft and its affiliates, and to send you relevant survey invitations related to Microsoft services.
  We do not sell, rent, or lease our customer lists to third parties. In order to help provide our services, we occasionally provide information to other companies that work on our behalf."

So they can personalize content and advertising, send you offers, and provide it to other companies.

s/Google Mail/outlook.com/ and the claims appear to be the same.

Comment Very Cool But Very Bad Sound... (Score 1) 16

When you turn a page. Wow! This is a very cool thing for Tetsuo Nozoe to have spent many years doing and a treasure. It is a great thing that it is available online (for a limited time). But WTF is up with that sound as you turn pages. If real books sounded like that when you turned a page libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops would be horrible places.

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