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Comment Re:Sudafed (Score 2) 333

Or one employee that believes in personal freedom, and also realizes that yeast produced opiates will shut down the cartels, hurt the Taliban, reduce violence, and pretty much make the world a better place ... unless you are either a criminal or a cop.

Unless, of course, the government goes on a pogrom against any large scale yeast operation, in which case only organizations with the resources to operate one illicitly will be able to benefit: the cartels and the Taliban.

Oh the humanity, Budweiser and Miller breweries shut down by the feds.

Comment Re:alternatives (Score 1) 203

I use videoconferencing a lot, but there are many times when it just doesn't get the job done, particularly when you are dealing with people from another country and there is already a language/understanding gap. Communicating in person is still much more effective, as is relationship building.

Plus, there is the added value of actually punching someone in the face when you're there.

Videoconferencing only offers the ability to wobble your balls at them, or shooting them the finger.

Comment Yep (Score 1) 203

Maybe they can remake the airport into a toxic waste dump instead. There are only 30 million additional fliers at newark and

No problem at all there. The additional time on the ground while you sit on a runway waiting for your turn will more than be made up for
with a nice new train.

Comment Re:And it's not even an election year (Score 1) 407

They could be serious.

I'm thinking they are very serious. Their "re-election" coffers are running low, and they need financial inducement from bribes, umm I mean "contributions" to increase H-1B numbers.

Otherwise, they threaten to decrease those numbers, causing corporations to actually pay people, instead of selling out their
jobs to the lowest bidder.

Comment Re:The cast (Score 1) 141

Arquette is the worst of the bunch. Regardless of the stories, the series is unwatchable. I tried once. Probably won't again.

Knowing she just won an oscar makes you question how she could be so bad in this show. I watch it for the LULs.

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