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Comment Re: So we should ditch Ubuntu and then (Score 1) 346

It sounds like you have never tried Gnome 3.x - - it currently does none of what you claim and feels and seems most like MacOS. Heck look at Pearls.

Sure the 3.x started out as change for change sake but at 3.8 or 3.10 it is a pretty vanilla environment that mostly just works.

Ok, how do you hide the top menu bar?

seems pretty easy in xfce

I have a WXGA display on my laptop, screen real-estate is more important than a crummy interface.

I've used adm, vt100, vt220, twm, graphon X terminals, Sun 3's. cde, patriot, gnome everything. Unity is an abomination.

Submission + - East Coast Visible CubeSat Launch tonight

bobstreo writes: The United States Air Force plans to blast nearly 30 satellites into orbit tonight (Nov. 19) in a record-setting launch that should be visible from a large stretch of the U.S. East Coast, weather permitting.
  Currently scheduled between 7:30 and 9:15 PM Eastern time


Visibility Map:


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