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Comment Re:because the redisigned daleks look stupid (Score 1) 332

Problem is that the redesigned Daleks look really stupid... like shitty appliances from Sharper Image or Brookstone, from a decade ago. I get that that's probably the same way they were designed originally, based on shitty appliances, but the appliances in the 60's were apparently a lot cooler looking :)

So, realizing they screwed up with the Dalek redesign, they decide to not have any shows about them for a while... leaving plenty of time for the new Daleks to disappear from time and the original ones to reappear. This can all be explained with a quick hand-wavey timey-wimey explanation like they usually do when things get complicated.

Then they come back looking like humans!

The Daleks Were Created by Man. They Rebelled. They Evolved. They Look and Feel Human. Some are programmed to think they are Human. There are many copies. And they have a Plan.

Comment Re:Both? (Score 1) 266

good call. slackware has the friendliest community forum that i've used. and i assume, coz i've never really tried it, that ubuntu has a friendly community forum as well. i find the juxtaposition interesting. slackware tends to be stuck in the past (yeah, yeah, stability and stuff. i use slackware too. go away.) and ubuntu seems to go against accepted "practices"(remember wayland?).

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