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Comment Re:We have the best form of Democracy in the world (Score 2) 141

Actually it kinda does. The ability to constantly abuse the system means there is a massive flaw in said system.

The flaw is how we use it. Freedom and liberty are hard to maintain, and we have allowed government to become something other than "we the people." It has become an entity unto itself, and as such it strives first and foremost to ensure its own survival. We have recast the role of statesman to celebrity, which guarantees ego rules the roost. Regulatory agencies within the executive branch are de facto law making bodies, and in the end we hinge our hopes on Supreme Court decisions, who amended their charter - at least in practice - to include filling in the legislative gaps left by Congress, who are too busy running their reelection campaigns.

If our government is car, we're passengers who are allowing a bunch of drunks to drive it. We are getting what we deserve, so long as we choose to not take the wheel.

Comment Re:We have the best form of Democracy in the world (Score 1) 141

When looking at a five-year-old article by Nate Silver that looked at political donations by car dealers, fully 88 percent of those donations went to Republican candidates, and just 12 percent to Democrats. That possibly suggests a propensity among Republican state legislators to support the interests for car dealers over those of electric-car buyers. Is the small bit of evidence enough to make a case?

But we have the best democracy you can fine anywhere. It doesn't matter if our legislators are being bribed indirectly, or get embroiled in obvious conflict of interest matters.

Welcome to the USA!

Ohh wait, let's preach to the world about free markets.

The fact that we don't use our government correctly does not make it inherently bad.

And maybe that Nate Silver stat just means that Republicans are more likely to be business owners, and that local politicians are more likely to listen to business owners.

If someone doesn't support Uber then they are acting against the principles of small government and the free market, and therefore not accurately representing Republican values.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 5, Insightful) 277

I was wondering what languages I should learn myself. I have some experience with C++, but that's over 10 years ago, and only as a hobby. I've been thinking about picking it back up, but wasn't sure if there were better options. Since I'm an adult and looking to be able to support my family, money certainly is one of the leading factors as to which language I want to get into.

A more relevant question than money may be what interests you? Automation, mobile apps, database, web, etc.? You may have the potential to make more money as a Python programmer, but will a few thousand on average more per year make the job itself more worthwhile? Would, say, only $95k per year to program C++ -- if the specific job was more to your liking -- be a deal breaker?

Another way to look at it: If you are happier doing the job, might that make you perform better and therefor out-perform the industry average?

Comment Re:Trust (Score 0) 481

It sounds like cops hate anyone who is not a cop.

Hate is probably the wrong word for most cops but it would be fair to say cops don't trust anyone who isn't a cop. Cops tend to (understandably) have an us versus them world view and see everyone's actions as those of a potential suspect. Apply a bit of low grade racism and you have a real problem with police distrusting a minority population and the minority population growing to distrust the police.

If computer repair technicians had even the remotest of chances that when they worked on certain types of machines that said machines would purposefully electrocute them, they would necessarily grow to not trust those machines or machines that looked just like them, and treat them differently than other machines.

Or, if you prefer, it is easy for us to sit back and judge when our job is never actively trying to kill us.

I'm not saying I agree with stop and frisk, nor am I saying that cops are above criticism. But the public seems to hop on the anti-cop bandwagon pretty quickly. Maybe they are victims, too; a product of how we have let society evolve?

Comment Re:Most of Facebook is moms reposting the same jok (Score 1) 206

That hasn't been my experience. These days, my Facebook feed seems to be filled with people posting Buzzfeed links to "20 sexy historical facts that will blow your mind!" or else it's a link that says "You won't believe what happens in this video!" without giving any explanation as to what's in the video.

In other words, it's mostly tedious, useless advertising for something or other.

They thought this comment was pointless, but they never saw this coming...

Comment Re:we get it (Score 1) 295

I wonder why, when a finding doesn't directly support man-made climate change it is because science is hard and not always accurate, but when it can even be remotely pointed to as correlated with man-made climate change then anyone suggesting it may not be accurate is a [insert favorite anti-right saying; e.g., Bush-loving gun toting bible-thumper]?

I know, I know. Science is never wrong because unlike politicians and leaders of corporations, scientists aren't people and therefore not subject to all the typical failings of human kind.

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