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Comment Re:Most people need something better (Score 4, Insightful) 373

Ok, so, it's range is 215 miles (according to the Tesla site, not the screwed up conversion in TFS). If you commute 30 miles each way, that's 60 miles, leaving you plenty for errands during the work day. Even if driving in traffic blows your efficiency (which should be less true of EVs, but still will have some effect) you'll not have range issues in that scenario. With it's safety, comfort, and low operating costs, it's a good commuter car if you're in the market for a nearly $30K commuter car.

Longer trips require more planning, because we're in early days. It's a lot like when gas cars were new & you had to be sure to have a way to get enough fuel. Now, you've either got to make sure there are chargers along your route, or rent a gas-burner for the trip. It's a trade off, and people have legit points to support whichever decision they make.

Comment Re:It's the code, stupid! (Score 1) 108

Lots of people fail at preventing SQL Injection. Lots of people who really ought to know better:

This isn't magic, and it's no replacement for a good secure software development program, but it's a fair bit better than nothing.

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