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Comment Re:April Fools! (Score 1) 162

I keep hearing the "git is better than svn at handling conflicts" meme, but of course neither handles conflicts at all. A conflict is a file where the tool can't figure out how to merge two versions and therefore has to offload it to a human.

I've also heard on the Internet that git is better than svn at doing merges, but everybody I know who has used both git and svn in real production environments says the opposite.

In my company we use svn. I did consider moving us to git or - more likely - Mercurial (the hg user interface is more similar to svn so that would make the transition easier), but I found out that it is really easy to make a directory both an svn working copy and a git/hg repository just by using setting ignore properties so I can do local commits and still have a central svn repo.

Comment Re:GPS? Are you kidding? (Score 1) 373

I'm not an expert on any compiler code, but I thought that gcc was actually comparatively new, as it used to be called "egcs", and was different from what used to be "gcc", and was a newer project. At some point, the gcc team decided to simply adopt egcs as the new gcc and dump the original as it was too old and crufty.

If you call 1997 new, then yes it was new. Except that egcs was based on a gcc snapshot.

Comment Re:What is the model? (Score 1) 250

I don't understand the business model of renting hashing out to people. Either its profitable so you effectively lose money by renting it out,

Not true. It might be profitable for people elsewhere but not for you or for people who already have a data centre to put the mining rigs in, but not for you.

or its not profitable so noone in their right minds would rent it off you!

And you can't sell kit to people not in their right minds because.... ?

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