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Comment Re:It'll come down to an opinion (Score 1) 255

It'll come down to an opinion as to whether or not the use of Tor implies an intent to allow others to break the law. While an anonymizer service itself can be used for both legal and illegal purposes

I was under the impression TOR was explicitly designed to allow others to break the law, for the benefit of regions where things like expressing an opinion is illegal. Of course an anonymizer service is only effective if there is plenty of other innocuous white noise on the same channel.

Comment Re:I lost the password (Score 1) 560

Assuming it is, I guess it is time for self destucting time locked crypto,

Thats not possible to do for a number of reasons, primarily because one of the first things theyll do is image your computer.

What about this part?

maybe a password backed key on a usb device with self desctruct countdown

If the decryption key is stored on a USB key with a battery and RTC, it can wipe itself if you have not entered the password after a certain period of time. It can be tamper resistant and wipe itself if you attempt to open it. Now obviously nothing is 100% secure, but you get to the point where it basically becomes bomb disposal.

Comment Re:Another another delay? (Score 1) 43

I'm not sure what trajectory second stages would have to take

Just to clarify, I'm talking about the first stage and boosters. The second stage takes the payload all the way to orbit, so you could land it anywhere you wanted, once they design a version capable of surviving re-entry.

but it I doubt it's going to take off from Boca Chica and land at Canaveral

Canaveral is too far north for a low inclination orbit anyway, and would result in an unnecessary land overflight.

if only because then they would have to have two sites be clear. Sure, they could set up a new site in Florida, but they would have to go through all the regulatory bullshit again to set up a new site.

Understand, I'm not talking about a launch site. I'm only talking about a landing site. The first stage landing would be nearly empty, and would be immediately lowered onto a ship, and taken back to the manufacturing facility for refurbishment. The regulatory bullshit around a simple landing site would be much lower.

And they would still need good weather at two sites, not just one.

If they intend to recover the first stage, they need good weather at the landing site anyway, where ever that may be. For a typical Falcon 9, the first stage will fly back and land at the launch site. For a Falcon Heavy, the boosters will fly back to the launch site, but the first stage will continue on for another three minutes, putting it well past the fly back point. Either you land somewhere downrange, or you splash down in the water. Splashdowns result in much more expensive refurbishment.

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