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Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 1146

When is the last time you looked at the most efficient pumps?

Maybe five years ago. One of my coworkers was investigating buying a new heatpump. The single-stage heat pumps he was looking at were only sufficient down to around 15-20F, after which he would take a serious efficiency hit as they kicked over to heating coils. He was trying to figure out whether it would be economical to spend the money on a dual-stage pump, or spend it on the few days out of a typical year we have single digit temperatures.

Comment Re:Worth it. (Score 1) 123

Professionally, nearly all the bugs I see are simple typos (which you get regardless of your paradigm), logic faults dealing with real-world mechanics (more physics than programming), or buffer overruns (insufficient bounds checking, combined with a multi-process, shared memory framework). Everything else typically gets caught during a compile.

Comment Re:Worth it. (Score 3) 123

What bad habits? Logic of whatever type you want to implement is inherently sequential. Unless you want to delve into the complexity of branch prediction and predictive computation, it is the basis of all programming. The secret to parallel programming is nothing more than finding independent sequences of logic within the program, and arranging them such that they can be run concurrently.

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