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Comment Re:It will be ok. (Score 1) 132

Climate change increases weather extremes, its quite basic actually adding energy to a system makes it more chaotic. (Incase you missed the point a low is an extreme).
This year in Sydney, Australia we are oncourse for the hottest year of record, we had the second hottest October on record, the most days over 30 degrees in winter, we had the driest October or record and then a very wet November. This year we've had usual amount of flooding, and higher than usual storm activity.
Perhaps it is you that should abandon your religion of denial, instead of practising blind ignorance and ignoring the majority of people qualified to tell you about the Eath's weather.

Comment Re:It will be ok. (Score 1) 132

I think I heard it best when someone said that "once in a lifetime weather events used to be once in a lifetime."

Australia never had fires before global warming? I must inform all the uni-professors about this as they seem to think there have been. Or you mean there haven't been as many in your life time and you are just now noticing them?

Have a look at this list." I want to point two interesting things out to you, the first is that the recent fires are the only major fires to have occurred October, which is very early in (or before) the bushfire season. Only two occurred in November, the rest occurring in December or latter, to me that would suggest that the climate is changing. The second thing I'd point out is the frequency of major bushfires has increased. I also take it that you are turning a blind eye to the number of weather records broken this year.

And those pesky third world countries that could have never survived this long without you caring over them. What will they ever do? I mean it isn't like Venice or Holland has any insight into this situation. It isn't like making buildings and islands is out of the question. Most worst case scenarios place the sea level rises at 2 to 5 feet over the next 90 or so years. It will be unpossible for anyone to do anything about it. Well, you can relax, most of them will be knocked off by typhoons and hurricanes that have never happened before global warming too. Or are you thinking of the Maldives who are not too poor to purchase another set of islands-

Yes because third world countries can afford to build dikes and islands in place far less suitable to them as Venice or Holland. I don't think anyone's saying there was no typhoons or hurricanes before global warming (unless you are?). No, what people are saying (with data to back it up) is that the frequency of typhoons and hurricanes are increasing. Sea level rises are predicted to increase the flooding of cities, but they will also have a very real impact on the tourism industry doing significant economic damage

As for the Psychiatrist, I think maybe you should be the one seeking it. I see you completely ignored the part about saving money being a fallacy and instead went for the emotional arguments. That is either because you are a con artist who knows nothing purposed to fix climate change actually touches it or that you have been brainwashed into thinking anything in the name of it good. Either way, it not a sign of good mental health.

I'm afraid science disagrees with you there, there is a lot we can do. I went for the more obviously flawed arguments, because I shouldn't need to explain why saving money at the expense of those who will have to live in the world you destroyed is immoral.

Comment Re:It will be ok. (Score 1) 132

I think you might need to see a psychiatrist... I for one will be alive when the major changes take effect (within the next ten years

If you think the worst from climate change is going to be in the next 10 years, I think you are the one who should consider help. Not that I'm saying we should do nothing. But even if we stopped adding CO2 to the atmosphere tomorrow, it would take more than ten years for the full effect of what has been done to be realized.

I said nothing about the full effect, we may not see that for a century or more. I said major changes, as in changes that will realistically effect peoples lives in a major way. Models indicate that these will increasingly occur during the next ten years (and longer).

Comment Re:It will be ok. (Score 1) 132

I think you might need to see a psychiatrist... I for one will be alive when the major changes take effect (within the next ten years) and hear it Aus we are already seeing the effect, thousands of homes lost to fires and it isn't even summer yet. I swear the weather has broken a new record every week this year.
So what about the third world countries that will be almost completely under water, the ones were people are too poor to leave. I am sure they're rich fat cats living in an unsuitable area to you, but the rest of the world lives in this thing called reality.

Comment Re:It will be ok. (Score 3, Insightful) 132

Yes, and if we wait long enough with our heads in the sand it'll be too late to do anything anyway...think of the money we could save!
Seriously, we know CO2 emissions are causing significant climate change, there may be other factors but waiting around until we have perfect knowledge of the entire universe is ignorant at best and criminally negligent at worst.Also I assume that you don't think volcanoes in Antarctica aren't causing melting in the Artic as well, that's a pretty big clue that they're not the main cause.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 202

Same for me. I hardly ever use the button to open it in another viewer.

Neither do I because I disabled it, however I do go back and test it every now and then and the best I could say is the loading time matches that of Adobe reader. For large pdfs it is much, much slower and often crashes. (On 25.0)

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 202

When did you last test it?

Today, on 25.0. I find it still has terrible unicode support, struggles to render older pdfs, can't fill out pdf forms, and crashes frequently. It also seems to take longer than Adobe reader to open larger pdfs.
The majority of the pdfs I use fall into one of the above categories.

Comment Re:Great (Score 2) 202

I don't know about chrome, but the firefox reader fails to render correctly 60% of PDFs I open. I also use PDF forms, which are extremely useful if you need to type on an official form rather than writing it out. (MS Word consistency isn't good enough for that).

Comment Political Agenda (Score 1) 194

I get some news from Facebook and I also post some (usually political) news on Facebook. Often Facebook provides you with news you wouldn't have otherwise read (not big enough to be on a major news site, unpopular, etc). You also have the advantage that you know your friends political views, which makes it much easier to tell if they are spinning something.

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