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Comment It depends (Score 1) 319

It depends very much on what is being done with the equipment.

Some have never been updated and updating it can get you fired!

Some are updated when new hardware is purchased, but not otherwise unless a definate problem shows up.

(Those are not usually connected to any network or internet.)

Some are updated about two weeks after updates are released, unless zero-day exploits are reported.

A few are updated immediatly. Either for hobbies or as early tests for the other machines. (Or both at once.)

Comment Re:Conservative. (Score 1) 319

It's true that rapidly advancing tech requires learning new stuff.

But the problem is marketers changing the UI appearance to make you think it is new tech, when it is not. You put forth the effort to learn the new UI, and then find that it was a fraud and there was no advantage to it. All your effort is wasted!

The difference in the younger people is just that they have not had that happen to them as many times, yet... 8-)

Comment Re:Screws with users (Score 1) 319

I did the same thing, in an automatic. Slowed for a stop sign, reached for the center gearshift and lifted my left foot.

Then I pushed down the "clutch" and hit the left end of the wide brake pedal.
We found out that the car had -really- good brakes!!
One of the guys in the back seat ended up in the front... 8-)

Comment Re:Finger and Sand (Score 1) 620

I've cut a plastic binding with a sharp rock. I didn't knap it myself, it was naturally sharp, but...

Note that a propperly napped rock is sharper than a scalpel and makes a cleaner cut.

Actually, one of my relatives sells sets of napped rock flakes to neurosurgeons, for use in surgery. For real.

Tell me again, about how many things are obsolete? 8-)

Comment Re: Uhmmmm (Score 1) 620

I have a problem with that attitude - I see it all the time in work - the bordering on pride that people have when they can't use a device (especially a computer).

All he had to do is say let's use both and 1-see the difference in readings and 2-show me how it works.

Or maybe it was a subtle way of saying that he didn't know how many ways it could mislead you, and you didn.t know either! 8-)

Comment Re:Well, there have been couple of cases... (Score 1) 232

The phenomina, of bugs dissappearing when the Tech shows up, is well known in many industries. It can even be used to determine whether the Tech is experienced or not, by their reaction.

There could be many reasons, but no one has pinned it down that I know of. I just go out and come back a few times, and can usually catch it. The correllation can be scary, though.

Comment Re:The Obvious Quote (Score 1) 232

A more relevent quote might be:
"Any sufficiently advanced Magic is indistinguishable from Technology.

I routinely manipulate invisible forces, in several parallel world lines. With a few scrap pieces of arcane engines, I can quite literally call down the lightning. With larger construction huge masses can be moved and set wherever needed. Even the light of day can be shown in the middle of night.

And no-one thinks this is unusual. They call me an "Electrical Engineer"...
But that does not make it any less Magic. 8-}

Comment Re:There is no cure for absolute fucking stupidity (Score 1) 232

... Yeah. They formed well-regulated militias. Instead of, say, running around like a bunch or Rambos.

Um ... The word "Regulated" actually meant using the same type of equipment, ammunition and manuvers. The Militia needed to be able to own the same military equipment so that they could be supplied, in an emergency, with the equipment and ammunition stored by the governments. Having many civillian types and calibers was known to be a nightmare for logistics.

They also needed to be trained the same, in what orders meant and what movements they were to do. Otherwise they would not be able to fight on the same field with the other units.

It had nothing to do with laws or restrictions in the modern sense.

Comment Re:Blame the voters (Score 1) 191

And then there is the question of whether what the votors "want" is also what they "need". Votors really hate people who give them what they need.

"Let me build my beach house right on the water".

Forget that it will be washed away in the first big storm. Forget that it diverts the wind, so that the sand doons are moved a hundred yards back. Forget that that will cause the beach to wash away in the -second- big storm, taking away houses that have been there for a hundred years.

Sometimes we need people that -don't- do what we want! 8-)

Comment Re:I never thought ----- (Score 1) 191

I agree with Barney on almost everything he has ever said but this time I don't like it. I like leftest politicians who will not compromise one little bit and will gather 51% of the vote and crush the right wing forever. Compromise with the right is simply not acceptable under even the most dire conditions. I would rather the whole planet be turned into a nuclear cloud with extermination of all life than allowing the right wing to have one tiny bit of an opinion in this world.

I disagree with Barney on almost everything he has ever said. I like conservative politicians who will not compromise one little bit and will gather 51% of the vote and crush the left wing forever. Compromise with the left is simply not acceptable under even the most dire conditions. I would rather ... well actually I wouldn't. But you get my drift. 8-}

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