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Comment Re:Won't work for the Windows version (Score 2) 104

If you have followed any basic critical thinking class then you should observe one simple fact about this statement. It is a opinion, there are not facts supporting this that i am aware of (and many other claims about this article), nor is there any provided evidence.

If you use windows there are facts you should know. 1. its the most used OS and is the biggest target for anyone wanting information. Its far better to build a generic malicious code that will attack a known vulnerability of windows, even if its not zero day, then it is to bother with the small percentage of people who use linux/mac, that is where the main problem with using windows. 2. There is really truly no way to know what is programed in windows, if you think microsoft would put at risk the world market for the NSA without one big fight, then you probably dont want to use windows. Consider this though, most breaches happen not because there is some easy way to break into windows, but because the admin didn't do something properly.

Now its not up to me to decide what level of paranoid security you run, or why you choose one OS over another, it is up to me however to call out bullshit, or at the very least, demand evidence on outrageous claims.

Comment Re:Free testing (Score 2) 104

Well put it in a hidden container and put stupid shit inside your normal container and give them that password. Throw a bunch of tax returns and shit in there and say you where only following your IT friends advice on protecting your finance documents, or if your IT, say you practice what you preach.

Also, assume they will find this post and use it to prove you have a secret container, so you'll want to change your name, SSN, DOB and possibly a face change(at least your hair), in fact, why where you stupid enough to talk smack on NSA in a public forum? Clearly if you dont like the NSA watching over you then your a hardcore criminal/terrorist and we can just skip the whole show me what you got trial bullshit and lock you up...or maybe just bomb you. Hidden containers wont matter to the drone and the secret judge who already ordered your death.

Point is...your fucked.

Comment Re:We're doing something wrong? (Score 1) 105

I do miss my childhood days being shown a movie on how to survive the impending apocalypse by hiding under the desk. A certain warm and comfy feeling that i haven't felt since Regan. I keep hoping the new world with terrorism coming from every direction will bring that feeling back. I suppose it wont happen till the terrorist get nukes they can deploy.

One day i dream of the cold war again, if only putin would just hurry up already.

Comment Re:You missed the point... (Score 1) 138

can you really trust anyone? until the day i can get in someones head and verify beyond any doubt that they are trustworthy, i am going to stop surfing the web, eating local food, going anywhere public and most certainly not answering the door.

If you need me ill be in my buried bunker, dont bother knocking, ill shoot first and then figure out who you are.

Comment Re:Wee, it's no wonder (Score 2) 132

The sun puts out a million more watts per hour on the surface of earth then USA uses in 1 year.

Oil is energy from the sun at one point. Everything that we do, have, build or create has its roots with the sun. All of life uses solar energy to build itself and survive.

and what are we going to when all the oil is gone genius?

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