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Comment is it really that expensive ?? (Score 2, Insightful) 266

In early days you were required to have a patent lawyer in order to perform a thorough search of the archives. They gave you the template and you wrote in the substance. You no longer need this has all the patents listed in a very searchable format. you can do the search your self find all references and using legal zoom file the patent yourself. You don't even have to mail it there are patent offices all over the place. In my experience (or should I say research) you have a better review process as an individual with a will written an researched patent than a lawyer. I'm also desperately trying to find the answer to this question, one that has prevented me for years from acting on what I believe is a useful idea. One helpful fact for me is the proposed problem that my patents attempts to address has been patented several times. So I simply (hopefully) is site the reference use there example to propose my idea.

Comment Re:wake up and smell the capitolism (Score 1) 332

your being an 'a' hole and I understand your posting anonymously. It is a documented fact that companies will spend as much capitol on safety as needed. Key word being needed. If you look on many noted failure systems, you will see examples of this. If companies had a conscience as you infer there wouldn't be a need for so many regulatory agencies as there are.


Three Mile Island: Poorly trained personnel, lack of proper sensor and back up systems. Fix Invest in simulators better technology.

New York Black Out: Tree's which require trimming weren't and lack off redundancy.

New Orleans: Failed Levees which were documented for cutting corners to preserve cost. In addition lack of upkeep on said levees.

Countless numbers of cases of known hazardous materials being used in consumer goods.

Comment wake up and smell the capitolism (Score 0, Flamebait) 332

Everything is done for money don't think for a second it is otherwise. The only time safety plays a part is after people die. Pick any major failure. Even then the fix is for marketing purposes.

This Grid exists to allow the sale of more power. BTW knocking out this section wont' take down the grid (or so you hope, see north easter black out) but it will destabilize supply, and cause a nice ripple effect in one of the US critical resources.

I'm sure behind this whole thing are a few lobbyist and policy makers carving up who can sell electricity where.

Comment thought you could only poke a friend ? (Score 2, Interesting) 394

I thought you could only poke a friend, which would mean they both agreed to add each other and thus allow interaction. If the facebook friendship was initiated before the initial court order wouldn't that require that it be ended by both parties and the act of keeping it would mean there was an agreement between both parties ? That's sorta like getting a restraining order and continuing to live with the person you had teh order againts.

Comment Eagle roofing has had durable shingles for a while (Score 4, Informative) 168

Not sure why this is being posted as if it's a new product. Eagle Roofing based in California has been carrying a fairly successful product for some time now. Not only do they have a warrantied usable product but it also supports LEED cool roof requirements. see link below to check it out for yourself.

Comment Re:The technology isn't important (Score 1) 150

Perhaps, but I promise you this, at 99% in an energy starved world where energy is one of the driving forces for tension between countries, and world dominance (see middle east and russia) cost becomes much much less important. at $10.34 per kw/hr I assure you no matter what cost you charge there will be investors out there who will finance you.

Comment Re:Frame job? (Score 2, Funny) 337

I have a few friends who are detectives in two local jurisdictions, one being the lapd. After learning of some interrogation tactics only a seasoned criminal really has a chance, well them and those who are smart enough to request a lawyer immediately. I fully see the following scenario.

cop: So mr iamsosexyinthewv you do realize your mafia wars experience points will be subtracted once this goes to court right !?
perp: What do you mean they will be subtracted when i go to court.
cop: well if you weren't on the scene then they don't count.
perp: Your damn straight I was on the scene, I just got to cuba and i'm not about to go back.

or something like that...

Comment Re:Sell it? Get it past inspectors (Score 0, Troll) 465

6m of copper tube will corrode, and leak eventually undermining the slab resulting in a crack. In a cold climate it will eventually freeze also causing the slab to crack. I assume your being facetious but there are the facts. House won't explode but the bill to repair the slab will be horrendous.

Comment Re:Resale value of house? (Score 4, Interesting) 465

I care;
a.) how much copper, btw doesn't concrete corrode copper which is the reason why it isn't placed in the slab anyways.
b.) for each layer of piping you put down you need an additional 3 inches of slab. proper embedment really requires 3" of coverage else the concrete will crack.
c.)concrete curing is an exothermic reaction and it takes your typical slab at least a year to completely cure.

Here is the best part, I'm assuming your in a cold climate with a reasonable frost line (otherwise this would be a stupid idea). If the water in teh pipes stop circulating and freeze it will crack the pipe and the concrete and cause I nice leak. again weakening the concrete overall stress.

I'm IAAAA ( I am an actual architect) so heed the warning. Or do it properly.

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