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Comment Re: Why force her to do something she doesn't wan (Score 2) 250

He's an idiot for not wanting to flush his life down the toilet? Having kids means MASSIVE unnecessary expenses (current average for middle class families in the US is ~ $250,000 PER KID - and that's NOT including college!) , no more free time, less sleep, a worse relationship (this is well documented by researchers and we even touched on it in Economics classes in college / grad school - for "normal" people who do the "born, go to school, get a job, get married, pop out some brats, slave away until retirement, die" routine have a U shaped curve for their level of happiness - it drops once the first kid is born and doesn't get back to pre-children levels until after the last kid is out of the house and you're retired), etc. Once you factor in the massive overpopulation of the planet as well, there is no rational reason to have kids.

Comment Re:bad idea all around (Score 1) 473

The poor don't WANT to be poor.

True, but most of them also don't want to do the things necessary to NOT be poor (put off enjoying pleasures today for a better quality of life years down the line, work hard in school as a kid so that you can get scholarships and have a good career 10 years later, etc). Everyone's life is a result of the choices that they make. So while they might not want to be poor, their choices have certainly led them there. I say this as someone who grew up poor and had to work full time while taking out a shit ton of loans to get through college and grad school. I spent years working in shitty hourly jobs such as fast food and retail and I can assure you, the lifers there have no desire to put out the effort to achieve anything better - sure, they want the money / nice things of having a better job, but they don't want to put out the effort to obtain that better job.

Comment Re:It really doesn't matter (Score 1) 292

Just because they occasionally fail at their "job" doesn't mean that they aren't doing it. Hell, even on Fox News they pick their "chosen one" before the primaries and will do everything that they can to ensure that their preferred candidate wins (see how they did everything they could to pretend Ron Paul didn't exist and they're already doing the same thing with Rand Paul).

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