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Comment Re:But the price... (Score 1) 128

Honestly, that was one of my main reasons for getting an Android Wear smartwatch. I hate having to make sure I take my phone with me any time I'm walking around or having to carry my phone at the gym while running. There are obviously other benefits to Android Wear, but the pedometer functionality was my #1 motivator.

Comment Re:Seriously? Look at History (Score 1) 239

Lots of people want to mock the Constitution and claim that "it failed to stop oppressive government!". What they're ignoring though is that rules always mean nothing if people don't uphold them and Americans have grown incredibly lazy and allow politicians to do pretty much whatever they want without any consequences.

Comment Re:The sad part? (Score 1) 577

"The infamous "gun show loophole"."

Which is a complete load of bullshit made up by peopole such as yourself who are terrified of inanimate objects. Private sellers can pay a gun dealer to perform a background check if they're selling a gun to a stranger (and most do, both for peace of mind and to cover their own ass in case the buyer decides to use it in a crime) - they merely do not HAVE to. There is a very valid reason for why Federal law doesn't force (yes, key word force) people who are not licensed gun dealers to perform background checks. What is that reason? Because the only way to enforce it is to have a national registry of not only all gun owners, but every gun as well. Not only is this insanely expensive and inefficient (just ask Canada, they tried such a a registration system and ended up axing it after pissing away tons of money and still not getting it to work like it was supposed to), but in every nation and state (yes, including states in the US), gun registration has always lead to confiscation. We've been seeing more and more of this even in anti-gun states in the US, such as New York where a man went to see a doctor for insomnia and immediately had his guns confiscated or how about in New Orleans when the government used gun registries to confiscate the guns of ordinary citizens after hurricane Katrina?

Do not sit there and spout bullshit about "it's well known that X happens at gun shows" when you clearly have never been to one, otherwise you'd know that gun owners are very paranoid about accidentally breaking a law (it means both losing all of your guns a permanently losing your rights) and that most of the tables at a gun show are run by licensed dealers who must perform background checks on all sales, regardless of where the sale takes place.

Comment Re:The sad part? (Score 2) 577

Knowledge has lead to plenty of deaths, as has freedom - because freedom means being responsible for the consequences of your actions. The gun didn't kill that women, her irresponsibility did, because as both a gun owner and a parent, she had a responsibility to keep the loaded gun away from her child.

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