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Comment Re:can be under emergency authority, but political (Score 1) 150

I'm not saying you're wrong, but Cheney's ties to Halliburton make a difference. Even as an adult understands the reason why a stove element glows red, anyone experienced in politics knows there needs to be a bidding process that will stand up to an ethics audit if you're thinking of giving a contract to an outfit that used to employ you in a management position. If they didn't have time for the bidding, one of the other two or three companies should have been picked.

Comment Re:there's a strange bias on slashdot (Score 1) 192

I have it on good authority that a monopoly exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. Google does not have a monopoly. Title Seven, Article 102 of the Lisbon Treaty addresses "a dominant position within the internal market or in a substantial part of it." A company doesn't have to have a monopoly to be subject to special extra regulation by the EU, just the largest percentage of market share.

Comment Re:Cyanogen Inc != CyanogenMod (Score 1) 179

That wouldn't be the way to go. Rather, CyanogenMMod would be a parallel product with extended features and a faster update cycle. After a year and a half of the two running in parallel, they release the message "We've regretfully decided to stop future development of the original flavor CyanogenMod after the next update as the vast majority of our users prefer CyanogenMMod, so we're concentrating our efforts there. We have the greatest regard for our original flavor CyanogenMod users and will leave the last update available for download until it is utterly obsolete."

Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 1) 309

Valve might be better off aiming their Linux gaming resources in the Iris Pro direction. Intel is nicer to Linux, and the rate at which their graphics hardware is improving is fast enough (and getting enough synergy in the thermal and power requirements) that they'll be overbearing Nvidia's revenue stream at the bottom end before long and quickly catching up from there.

Comment I searched for "advertisement" on Google (Score 2) 247

and the only advertisement was for adwords. Then, I searched for 'adwords competitors' and found competitors to adwords among the search results, but still no advertisements from competitors to adwords. This seems like the sort of thing they're complaining about. But, while I use Google search as if it were a utility, I don't think search is considered to be a public utility at this time. When I think about an analogy other than common carrier requirements, what comes to mind is requiring the Parcelforce logo and phone number be painted onto a corner of DHL vehicles so that people might consider the alternative service.

Comment Re:A Recognition Algorithm That Outperforms Humans (Score 1) 91

I agree. I'd much rather see a large drone release a little drone that homes in on one guy and shoots him than I would see that same drone release an explosive missile that blows up the guy and the seven people standing next to him. If we're going to kill people with drones (and, I'm not saying we should, but it sure looks like that's going to be happening), we should use all the technology we can to reduce collateral damage as much as possible.

Comment Re:Another way around the cap (Score 1) 442

According to http://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/adjustment-status that same form is used for "Adjustment of status." They say

Adjustment of status is the process by which an eligible individual already in the United States can get permanent resident status (a green card) without having to return to their home country to complete visa processing.

and also

Employment based categories most often require the intending U.S. employer to file a Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker, for you.

After that, you apparently file form I-485 for yourself.

I think employers helping their existing H1-B's to obtain permanent resident status would show that they're not interested in the extra negotiating power the employee's non-resident status gives the employer. OTOH if they're not willing to help their current H1-B employees obtain permanent resident status, but they still petition for more H1-B's, this shows legislators clearly that they consider lack of residence as desirable in an employee.

Comment Re:Get over it ! (Score 3, Insightful) 370

Hell yes, I can complain about it. There's always a huge list of deserving but unfunded Federal projects that would actually work that could have been paid for with that money. The problem isn't trying something that didn't work out. The problem is putting this kind of money into something when the reasons why it didn't work out are simple and obvious enough to fit into short paragraphs in that article. It's not just 20-20 hindsight. It's people telling those who saw these problems on day one "you may be right, but lets just build it and find out" when they're the ones getting paid to do the building. For less than half a billion dollars you could hire a lot of incredibly smart people who could explain with simple diagrams and small words why a given project is conceptually doomed and throwing a couple billion dollars at it can't be classified as anything other than pork. Then, the people thinking up these projects could keep trying until they come up with something that, should it fail, will do so for reasons that are actually complex and unforeseen.

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