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Comment It depends on if you count maps & streaming au (Score 1) 140

When I'm on the road, I often I make heavy use of the smartphone to provide GPS w/ Google Maps and streaming audio to the car stereo. So strictly speaking, on a trip that's about 14 hours each way, the smartphone would win. But when I'm chillin' at my destination, I'll have the laptop on.

Comment Make lemonade (Score 1) 330

If I had the resources, I'd immediately launch a competitive, cross-platform VOIP/video service that plays nice and clean up by poaching Skype customers. It would take a massive, worldwide marketing campaign and lotsa servers and bandwidth, but the market is hungry for a competitor and this is a great catalyst for one.

Comment What a load of BS (Score 0) 507

Over decades of gainful employment I have signed up for health insurance plans numerous times. I've never, ever, been asked any questions about my health or anything else for that matter when signing up for health insurance at any employer.

The author says "big data" is ruining healthcare. Who are the assholes taking over the system in the US? It's our BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT with that albatross OBAMACARE that's causing people's plans to get cancelled and rates to go up.

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