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Submission + - WindowsAndroid Lets You Run Android 4.0 Natively On Your PC

An anonymous reader writes: WindowsAndroid is a very cool tool from the Beijing-based startup SocketeQ that lets you run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) as a native application on your on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 machine. The creators tell us they have a deep background in virtualization, operating system, and graphics technologies, and have been working on the project for years. Essentially, WindowsAndroid allows you not only to execute Android apps on your Windows computer, but also use the browser, not to mention every other component of the operating system.
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Submission + - DMCA exemption ends on Jan 26th. Unlocking a cellphone becomes illegal (mashable.com)

Acapulco writes: Apparently an exemption to the DMCA, determined by the Librarian of Congress will expire this Saturday, January 26th, which will make unlocking phones illegal (although not jailbreaking).

From the article:

"The new rule against unlocking phones won't be a problem for everybody, though. For example, Verizon's iPhone 5 comes out of the box already unlocked, and AT&T will unlock a phone once it is out of contract."


"Advocacy group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) questions whether the DMCA has the right to determine who can unlock a phone. In an email to TechNewsDaily, EFF attorney Mitch Stoltz said, "Arguably, locking phone users into one carrier is not at all what the DMCA was meant to do. It's up to the courts to decide." "


"Christopher S. Reed from the U.S. Copyright Office noted in an email to TechNewsDaily that "only a consumer, who is also the owner of the copy of software on the handset under the law, may unlock the handset." "

Comment Re:i have purchased the affected products. (Score 1) 709

I agree with you in that it's not cool to put whatever they think they can as long as its cheap, however I don't understand the upset when we voluntarily (even if some of us might not do it that much, for varying levels of "that much") eat things that are pumped full of artificial color, flavoring, bht, bha and over conservatives, etc etc, which nowadays most food is made with, and manufacturers even tell us about it in the ingredients list!.

The only kind of better food we could possibly eat, short of growing/breeding your own, is organic stuff, without all that extra industrial slime, however how expensive that is? how much "organic" is it?

And then we wonder where all that cancer comes from...

Comment Re:Excellent (Score 1) 177

I love Slashdot for this exactly. Even funny posts are replied with correct information, and even then, with even more precise info!
I definitely love the community here :) (by the way it's not sarcasm. I really appreciate getting replies like this. I love engineers )

Comment Re:Do not sell "pirated" software (Score 1) 174

If you get something for nothing then share it for nothing. Profiting from anothers work may be a crime, but freely sharing what you have with others is not, and is certainly in sync with the most followed world religions.

I believe there is enought evidence that this is not the case, as the RIAA/MPAA have been so thoughtful in constatnlty reminding us.

Comment Re:We need to stop this (Score 1) 174

I would not be comfortable with any police force (or military for that matter) from *any* country arresting anyone in *any other* country. I think extradition treaties are there for a reason, but even then extradtion orders are supposedly carried out by the local LEO on behalf of the requesting LEO.
And *even* then, there should be a close oversight on this, to prevent things like the Dotcom scandal. Anything else seems like a slipper slope.. obviously I'm not comfortable as this is already happening (and has been for who knows how long). Slippery slope indeed..


Submission + - Oracle discloses name of people who might have influenced coverage of trial (bbc.co.uk)

Acapulco writes: BBC News as well as Reuters are reporting that Oracle and Google have been ordered to disclose financial ties to people who might have influenced the coverage of their recent patent trial.

Oracle named Florian Mueller and a Stanford's Professor Paul Goldstein, however said that it named the latter "out of an abudance of caution" since he had advised a law firm used by the company.

Google on the other hand, named no one and asked for more guidance on the matter, before being able to disclose anything else.


Submission + - Nintendo Release 3DS XL and New Mario 2 in the USA Today

Croakyvoice writes: Nintendo has today released the 3DS XL in the U.S.A. The console comes with features such as screens which are 90% bigger in size than the original 3DS, a much needed improvement in battery life and also the 3D effect on the console has noticeably improved. The 3DS XL is Nintendo's attempt at even moreso dominating the handheld console market over the PSVita but also bringing back the gamers lost to the likes of Android and iOS Devices. The other major 3DS news of the day is the release of New Super Mario Bros 2 a continuation of the DS game released in 2006. In Japan the game has sold over 800,000 copies since game launch and Nintendo will be hopeful to replicate that success in the U.S.A.

Comment The wise random knowledge of bash.org.. (Score 1) 1086

This whole thread reads like this bash.org quote :

#152037 +(3230)- [X]
dm> I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help you with a Linux problem.
dm> For example, I didn't know how to find files by contents and the man pages were way too confusing. What did I do? I knew from experience that if I just asked, I'd be told to read the man pages even though it was too hard for me.
dm> Instead, I did what works. Trolling. By stating that Linux sucked because it was so hard to find a file compared to Windows, I got every self-described Linux Guru around the world coming to my aid. They gave me examples after examples of different ways to do it. All this in order to prove to everyone that Linux was better.
* ion has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
dm> brings a tear to my eye... :') so true..
dm> So if you're starting out Linux, I advise you to use the same method as I did to get help. Start the sentence with "Linux is gay because it can't do XXX like Windows can". You will have PhDs running to tell you how to solve your problems.
dm> this person must be a kindred spirit of mine

Really...most questions are answered with: "so you are lazy and don't/won't try to figure X out, so you come to Slashdot for us to do your job" and so forth. But look at this thread. TONS of useful answers whatnot. This is why I love /. :)

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