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Comment Re:It's a battle and not the war.. (Score 1) 406

They fear nudity.

Uh-oh. I'm an evangelical Christian, and I never knew that I was afraid of being naked. I've been brainwashed, and I never even knew it! Oh, no! "They" got me! Now I'm one of "THEM"!

If there's one thing I've learned since being born again, it's that you can go to 20 different churches and get 20 different views on the same book. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm going to guess your experience had a lot more to do with "religion" than with anything actually in the Bible.

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 412

Fair enough; that was why I said it depends on the situation and on the child. Some will respond to time out; some won't. Some respond to spanking; some don't. However, you should never throw a valid tool out of the parenting bag just because others don't use it correctly!

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 412

A translation in keeping with the original language and the nuances of meanings of words actually says exactly that. Something more like "On the first epoch."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is just flat-out wrong. The original Hebrew speaks of a one-day period for each Creation day, and then clarifies by saying "it was an evening and a morning", just to be sure we understood that He was talking about ONE real, actual day. Example: Genesis 1:5 "And the evening and the morning were the first day". The Hebrew word for "evening" is "`ereb", which means "evening" or "the period of a day between sunset and sunrise". The Hebrew word for "morning" is "Boqer", which means "beginning of the day" or "the period of a day between sunrise and sunset". The last word, "day", is the Hebrew word "Yowm", meaning "a 24-hour period comprised of one evening and one morning".

Now then, you are free to believe or dismiss the Bible as you see fit, and that is every man's choice. However, the meaning for those that DO believe is made very clear: when God speaks of one day, He meant ONE DAY, as perceived by Man, and consisting of one evening and one morning.

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 412

Hitting them only teaches them to hit. Don't hit your kid.

Wrong. Punching your child when he hits someone would be abuse, and is excessive force. However, giving your kid a smack on the bottom while telling them "NO" firmly teaches them that "I hit someone = I get punished". It is a perfectly acceptable deterrent to bad behaviour, at least when they're young. Spanking a child does no harm whatsoever, whereas NOT spanking a child may harm them a great deal in the long run, when they grow up without limitations and unable to understand simple behaviour/consequence actions.

That being said, it also depends on the situation and the child. I have spanked my two-year-old before, and then immediately hold him while he cries, and explain that I love him very much but that hitting is NOT tolerated. Once he calms down, I ask him "Why did you get spanked?" His response: "I hit Mom." "That's right, buddy; what happens if you hit Mommy?" "Daddy spank." "Right."

However, most of the time he simply gets a time-out in his room, in a big stuffed chair he has. He's two, so he gets two minutes. I set a clock, and he can hear when it beeps; he know that he can't play or look at his books in time out, and he HATES it. He is a very people-oriented child, and the time by himself is normally much worse than a smack on the hand would be. Again, when the time out is done, I go pick him up, hug him, and ask him what he did. He can almost always tell me, and he rarely needs reprimanded for the same thing more than once or twice.

Kids are brighter than you think, and much more resilient; try and make the punishment fit the crime, but don't be afraid to spank a kid if they need it. It's one of MANY tools at a parent's disposal to raise their child correctly.

Comment Re:The Children? (Score -1, Flamebait) 590

Teach your kids birth control and responsibility but also realize that when they mature sexually they are sexual creatures just like everyone else. Let them grow up for chrissake.

What kind of psychopath are you? You're not talking about little Johnny being 18 and having a girlfriend who is 17. The girls are 14 years old. I don't know ANY thinking adult that would consider 14 as "sexually mature". Wait...you don't like in Kentucky, perchance, do you?

Comment Re:Alll's Well that ended well. (Score 1) 420

The point was that the poster didn't know what "rough" is. Entitlement is simply a selfish illusion of grandeur, nothing more. When you spend some time in an impoverished Nation, then you can gripe about how "rough" life is, not when you get to grow up in one of the most free Countries in the world, with some of the best benefits anywhere.

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