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Comment Re:How can that work? (Score 1) 50

Caucasian, man and blonde... okay, I guess. But how can someone's DNA possibly tell you how long their hair is? "This man doesn't have the gene for getting his hair cut".

There was a witness description of a possible long haired suspect at the time and the DNA generated picture fits that to a reasonable degree.

Comment Re:See, What a Shock (Score 1) 16


As for the $400,000 amendment, I'd ask: who defines "$400k of income?" If this amendment passed, and some rich cheater makes $500k, s/he will certainly fudge his/her taxes to show $300k of income, auto-magically exempting them from audits. This sounds unworkable to me.

Also the $400,000 figure is ridiculously high. The median income of a US worker in full time employment in Q1 2022 was $54,000.

A limit on prosecutions for trivial amounts would make more sense then going after smaller tax payers who can't afford a legal defense, just because that's easier than pursuing larger targets.

Comment Re:Millions of users, mostly scam artists (Score 1) 41

I still don't get how and why we can't block scam artists, if not get them arrested. Some of the things they do are truly sickening like knowingly scamming people out of their livelihood. Why don't the feds get with some other countries too and have a task force that does nothing but go after those fools? It's fun to watch the videos of people who go after the scammers in vigilante mode. If amateurs can do it, why can't the feds do that instead of winning points the easy way by going after some less impactful low-hanging fruit BS?

Because they're working out of fucking Russia, or Belarus or China or North Korea etc, countries that don't only not mind these people scamming the west, but they actually encourage it.

Comment Re:Skanky ass (Score 1) 98

[Madonna} has hired cleaning crews to sterilize her dressing rooms after concerts and requires her own new toilet seats at each stop of her tours.

Good, that will prevent whatever STDs she has from crawling out and infecting others.

Requiring a new toilet seat has been a demand of traveling acts for decades now, nothing to do with DNA collection. Some of the smaller theaters that artists must appear in have less than stringent health and hygiene standards.

Comment Re: Oh no (Score 1) 129

Right. I've accidentally bought from Chinese sellers on Amazon, and always regretted it. If I want to play that game, I'll buy from Aliexpress or Gearbest.

I've just had a quick look at Gearbest online and Trust Pilot rates them at 1.5 stars and a "Bad" rating, with lots of comments from customers about non-supply, no refunds and bad communication.

Comment Re:Yes, orbiters around every planet (Score 1) 72

How much do you think it would cost to eradicate poverty and provide free universal education?

Did you read the previous Slashdot article about the billionaires and giant corporations not paying any tax? The relative cost of the space program is trivial compared to the education and welfare sector spending, but there's more than enough for both if we cut some of the loop holes.

Comment Re:Curious about the long term effects of this (Score 2) 25

Russia has attempted to counter [brain drain] by waiving income tax, and special low rates on mortgages, but even then people would prefer to walk out the door. How do less prosperous countries compete with western tech hubs? What is the 100 year outcome of all those successful families leaving everything behind?

Also post-Ukraine invasion even if you've got rubles, after all the embargoes have taken effect you've got a decaying economy and nothing to spend them on.

Comment Re:Not as if it's making much of a difference (Score 1) 27

A coup d'état attempt in Russia would likely not consist of idiots in viking helmets happily snapping selfies inside of their capitol building. It would be a futile loss of civilian lives, as they'd be mercilessly slaughtered by Putin's oppressive regime.

Any coup in Russia would be performed by the security/intelligence forces or the military, with the encouragement of the oligarchs.

The ordinary populace would have little involvement.

Comment Re:i know why... (Score 1) 55

Happened to read the other day a short story by Mark Twain titled "What Stumped The Blue Jays". There's four of them outside my windows as I write. They are cousins to the magpie and very intelligent.

These are Australian magpies and so unlikely to be closely related to northern hemisphere species. They're not corvids but classified as "a large song bird" in my bird book.They just have a vaguely similar black and white coloring to the European magpies. For Australians, they're actually a large variety of butcher bird (first cousins) and sort of second cousins to the currawongs.

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