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Comment Re:How many times .... (Score 2, Insightful) 33

Sure, the problem is probably not Machine X can't connect to Machine Y, and more likely to be VLAN 17 can't initiate a connection to VLAN 56 over port 8080, but maybe you're the only one at your company who needs to make that particular connection at that time.

And you call it in and the network engineer will ask some questions:

a1. Has this ever worked in the past? (they will always answer "yes")
a2. When was the last time you know it was working? (50% "yesterday" 50% "last week")
a3. Has anything changed on the boxes or were they moved? (100% no nothing same as always)

b1. Is this a new install? (95% of the time this will be the problem but they will only admit it 1% of the time)

But if your network has dozens of VLANs, multiple gateways and complex firewall rules, it very well could be a network issue that so far only you have experienced.

And the change control logs should IMMEDIATELY show you where the problem is, in that case.

In my example, if VLAN 17 and VLAN 56 are QA networks, there's a reasonable chance your network team won't give a shit and it'll take them a week to even take a look, so it's probably worthwhile as a sysadmin to make sure that A) Machine X is actually sending the data out the network interface and B) Machine Y isn't receiving the data and just discarding it.

That's the problem. Change control shows no changes on 17 or 56 in the last 6 months.

The alarm systems show no changes.

I can pull up the data on the ports X & Y are using in 30 seconds. No errors showing.

In another 30 seconds I can check all the stats for 17 & 56.

The network is SIMPLE! It really is. Troubleshooting a connection issue takes a few minutes at most.

In your example, the sysadmin will just say "the network is the problem" when the REAL PROBLEM is that the LATEST UPDATE of his app means it now listens on 443 instead of 8080.

And a quick Google search will bring up page after page of references to that just using the app name and the app version number.

Comment How many times .... (Score 2, Interesting) 33

If there really is a "network problem" then it won't be just your machine that cannot connect to some other machine.

It would be lots of people and/or machines that would not be able to talk to lots of other machines and/or people.

And the network rarely experiences "problems" that only show up after you've applied a patch.

Bad things come from network and systems folks not understanding each other.

As a network engineer, I can quote almost EXACTLY what the sysadmin will say. Understanding them is easy.

Communicating something they do not want to hear is the issue.

Comment Re:If you demand all your supporters be flawless.. (Score 4, Insightful) 653

"Hypocrisy" has a clear definition. Tim Cook is NOT a hypocrite on that issue. Fiorina is WRONG.

The worst that can be said is that Tim Cook has a "double standard" when it comes to advocating for gay rights in the USofA vs other countries.

Yet he also appears to be effective in advocating for gay rights in the USofA. Where is Fiorina's advocacy?

Fiorina is being a "concern troll" on these issues.

Even worse, she is being a concern troll for topics that she does not personally support. How much Saudi business did she turn down at HP? How much of her money has she spent on advocating for gay rights?

Comment Review often. Review quickly. (Score 2) 261

Make sure that everyone knows what they're supposed to do, what's expected, and when it's due. It's really not that hard, except that apparently it's really hard.

The problem is that the day-to-day emergencies get in the way of the 11-month-projects.

But the day-to-day emergencies are soon forgotten and the 11-month-projects are what you are judged on.

Most people here are probably familiar with the "annual performance review" and how much they hate it. So drop it.

Instead, replace it with a LOT of shorter, more frequent reviews. Weekly if possible. Every 4 weeks at the very latest. Lasting between 10 and 15 minutes. Then the annual review for HR is simply a roll-up of 52 weekly reviews.

This helps because EVERYONE knows what the situations are AT ALL TIMES.

There will be problems and the sooner you've identified them and resolved them (or mitigated them) the better.

Comment Re:How 'bout.. (Score 1) 212

While the semantics over what was 'authorized' can be debated, that large numbers of agency personnel had access to the data to troll at their leisure without fear of reprisal still hasn't been refuted.

And, apparently, there were no safeguards set in place to detect such activities.

It SHOULD have been easy to have a few internal people randomly checking the legality/applicability of searches.

From TFA:

Those who don't pay too close attention think the NSA is out there gathering up whatever it can without rhyme or reason. But, in fact, [collection] is in response to things called intelligence requirements, which are made through a big, formal process across the executive branch, by which different parts of the policy apparatus articulate needs for information.

If those statements were accurate than Snowden's "betrayal" would be meaningless.

You cannot have it both ways.

Comment Re:Money (Score 1) 353

And that's not all. From her Wikipedia page:

Following an August 4, 2010, federal court ruling that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, Fiorina expressed disagreement with the ruling, saying that California voters spoke clearly against same-sex unions when a majority approved the proposition in 2008.

And she wants to lead the Executive Branch?

Majority != Constitutional.

And she's got a bit of money. So .... what's she been doing with it AS A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL to help with any of the "problems" that she's talking about?

So far it looks like a lot of paid speaking engagements. She is paid to be "concerned" but she doesn't fund anything herself.

Comment How is it a "rite of passage"? (Score 4, Insightful) 49

They're getting cracked because they're not paying attention to their security.

After resetting users passwords, Twitch initially introduced longer password character requirements, but had to dial back its new 20-character password length requirement to 8 characters after users complained.

Fuck you! If you cannot detect and mitigate a brute force attack then hire someone who can.

Twitch also said it encrypted passwords, but warned that hackers might have been able to capture passwords in the clear as users were logging on.

And make sure you know the difference between encrypted and hashed.

Comment Re:Yes, but.... (Score 3, Interesting) 267

Let's be a bit more specific about that.

If they're restricting the length to something like 8 or 12 or 16 instead of 128 or 256 then they are PROBABLY not hashing the passwords.

Which means that your password is PROBABLY being stored in plain text (or possibly encrypted). NEITHER of which are acceptable methods today.

Comment Re:change your username (Score 1) 267

Seconded on the different email addresses. And you don't have to own your own domain for that. Just make some random'ish gmail account and use that ONCE for more secure requirements (like your bank).

The trick is to prepare them in advance. And write them down in a PHYSICALLY secure location.

If you're using the same email account for your bank as you use on Facebook then your security could be improved.

Comment Re:Black and White (Score 1) 177

Well because the mass amount of data that would be grabbed in the event of an accident would far overshadow a reasonable amount of capture memory during normal driving, which would utilize a lesser set of sensors and maybe lower grade video, which didn't have to factor into the explanation for the accident.

256GB of flash is just over $100 right now. Storage is not a problem. Even AIRCRAFT do not have a problem with storage and they have a LOT more data to store.

Step 2 would include choices such as hit the breaks if it would work. I just used summary steps to make it easy to understand.

Taking power from the engine is NOT the same a braking.

Taking your foot off the gas is NOT the same as stepping on the brake.

Seriously. Try it on a hill. You might end up going FASTER at the bottom of the hill than at the top.

Your plates store information about your car, hence you know from looking the number up, everything to know about the car via reference lookup.

Make/model/year/VIN/owner/owner's address. And maybe whether it passed inspection or not.

How will knowing the VIN tell you anything about hitting it?

Or the owner's address?

Or the owner's name?

Or any of the other information?

And what happens when the site you're trying to use to look up that useless information is slow?

Comment Re:Black and White (Score 1) 177

If not, how will you avoid hitting him if he suddenly decides to sprint and jump infront of your car?

That would be "suicide".

And the sensor logs of the car should be able to show that it was suicide.

But more to the point, how would that situation be any different in a faster-reacting-autonomous-car than in a human-controlled-car?

Or are you postulating a world where there are no cars because someone might try to commit suicide by jumping in front of one?

Comment Re:Biggest issue is still liability (Score 1) 177

To prove them, I expect large fleets sponsored by the manufacturer or systems integrator will drive many thousands of hours per-car to establish a baseline, similarly to how an MTBF is established for devices, and that rate of collision or other liability-causing event will factor into the insurance companies' rates for those cars.

I think it will be even easier.

The autonomous cars will be packed with sensors that record EVERYTHING.

If there is an accident then the insurance companies will know which car has a 100% complete record of the incident that SHOULD exonerate it. Such as staying below the speed limit. Keeping a recommended distance from the car in front of it. Staying in the center of its lane. And exact information on how hard the brakes were applied and when and how that affected traction prior to the collision.

In theory, the insurance company for the autonomous car should win ever time (except in cases of software/hardware failure).

Comment Re:Black and White (Score 2) 177

It's even easier than that.

Do YOU want to be the person dragged into court because YOU wrote the program that INTENTIONALLY HIT AND KILLED someone?

No? Then write the code to be 100% neutral. The code will ONLY attempt to stop the vehicle as fast as possible.

If pedestrians are within X meters of the car then the car should slow to Y. If they get closer then the car should stop.

But the code should NEVER have the option "hit object X".

Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 1) 886

If I say no to my boss, I get fired. That's not slavery.

So you admit that just because there are REPERCUSSIONS it is NOT the same as slavery.

If saying "no" pits me against the government, I get fined or jailed, and anyone who resists is thrown in prison. That is slavery.

No. Slavery is NOT defined as whether or not you will end up in prison.

Slavery is when one person is owned by another person.

Slavery has nothing to do with being fined for refusing to return a library book on time.

Any purchase or sale of goods or labor by an individual is a sole proprietorship.


The sole proprietorship is the simplest business form under which one can operate a business. The sole proprietorship is not a legal entity. It simply refers to a person who owns the business and is personally responsible for its debts.

You really have no idea what you are talking about.

Purchasing food from my grocery store, hiring lawn care, and selling baked goods are all the same kind of business conduct.


Once you get out of high school (and maybe leave high school libertarianism behind) you will learn the difference. Maybe.

Simply put, if you are selling a service, you pay different taxes than in you are purchasing groceries for your personal consumption.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

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