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Comment Not recently ported (Score 2, Interesting) 117

This Penumbra trilogy has been on Linux for a while, the first game ran on linux somewhere in 2007 iic, so it's definitely not recently ported... the only news here is that it's perhaps cheaper now, so it's a nice slashvertisement.

That being said, these games are pretty cool if you like survival horror / adventure games.
Linux Business

Submission + - Is it safe to program .NET for Linux?

iplayfast writes: "I program for a number of operating systems and usually end up using C++. However as C++ is getting more and more knarly (IMHO) I'm thinking of going to C# which is similar to C++ without the knarlyness.

My worry is that given Microsoft's tendency to sue or back law suits against anything Linuxy If I develop an app for Linux using .NET will I have to re-write it 10 years down the road due to legal issues. Is it safe?"

Designer Babies 902

Singularity Hub writes "The Fertility Institutes recently stunned the fertility community by being the first company to boldly offer couples the opportunity to screen their embryos not only for diseases and gender, but also for completely benign characteristics such as eye color, hair color, and complexion. The Fertility Institutes proudly claims this is just the tip of the iceberg, and plans to offer almost any conceivable customization as science makes them available. Even as couples from across the globe are flocking in droves to pay the company their life's savings for a custom baby, opponents are vilifying the company for shattering moral and ethical boundaries. Like it or not, the era of designer babies is officially here and there is no going back."

Robotic Prostheses For Human Faces 111

holy_calamity writes "New Scientist reports on a patent application that suggests implanting polymer muscles beneath the skin of people suffering paralysis of the face to give them control of their features. The technique has already been used successfully to reanimate the eyelids of human cadavers. Movement could be returned to other facial features and even paralyzed limbs in the same way, the surgeons at University of California Davis say. The full patent application is also available on the WIPO site."

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