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Comment Re:Version changes are the most visible evidence. (Score 1) 291

about:crashes is very cool, thanks for the tip. I've had five this year. Two of which I caused with some heavy computational JS - I was trying to solve a problem with billions of iterations (not a job for JS). One is in the same day as another - probably I tried to reopen something that crashed Firefox. So that leaves 3 crashes I don't remember about. Considering I'm a webdeveloper and I use Firefox to test all my code, I think Firefox is doing pretty well. Also, I'm using Windows 7 ;)

Comment Re:I suspect it isn't true (Score 1) 335

Why would you not want animations that make the site more intuitive or better looking without consuming too much resources, or handy auto-completes or suggestions, or interactive galleries, or controls that you can't find in plain HTML, or pages that update without refreshing (and thus saving you bandwidth and CPU power)?

I mean, really, why would you torture yourself?

Comment Re:I suspect it isn't true (Score 1) 335

Well, many of the newer sites that use advanced JS to enhance functionality might not work properly. When you are on a tight budget you might not have the time/resources to design fall-backs for the 1% people who disable JS. I know I don't and my clients know of this and are happy with the situation.

It might be my experience, but with a decent machine (=300$ desktop computer) you rarely have websites that slow down your browser because of scripting (Slashdot is unfortunately one example).

As for security, since I've ditched IE many years ago I didn't have any drive-by attacks and I've been to plenty porn, warez and cracks sites. Again, it might be my experience.

Comment Re:Next please! (Score 1) 446

- You can't show folders first
- You can't right click to create a new file
- You can't show hidden files
- There is no button to go up
- No equivalent of the "Send" context menu from Windows
- No Cut (!!!)
- You can't open files with Enter
- FTP support is spotty

The Dock:
- You can't view all the open Windows, just open applications
- Minimize has no logic - So on the left side of the dock you have apps, and on the right you have a random assortment of items: folders, minimized windows and the trash - that's just bad UI
- You can't truly disable the Dock to install a replacement Dock or Taskbar

Window management:
- Minimize (see above)
- Zoom ... I understand the whole drag n'drop philosophy, but what if I still want to maximize my windows. There is no option for that, and BTW zoom is just bad UI because the window always does something different depending on the content

- I just want a simple player that has play, pause, next, fwd and basic playlist support. There is no way iTunes can do that. I don't have any iDevices, I want to organize my music in folders, not in an obscure library by default
- No customizable global hot-keys

Oversimplification, dumbing down and plain bad choices:
- The above examples are full of cases where a simple checkbox would solve the problem
- When you choose to go so far off the beaten path with your OS, you should make an option for everything. It doesn't have to be exposed in the GUI, but they should exist. Apple shows no respect for users - it's their way or the highway.
- No proper Page Up, Page Down, Home, End and no way to change that
- What the fuck is that menu on top? - it's in no way logically connected to the app window - no way to change that
- BTW, iTunes IS over-engineered because it's your gateway to all the things that make a profit for Apple: the iDevices and the iTunes store. I use neither, I just want a simple audio player.

I know for a lot of the things above there are workarounds, hacks, apps that sort of do what I want, I've tried them all in my quest to make OS X bearable.

I also know that Mac OS X in not Windows, but I think that OS X UI is simply bad and I want to change it because I paid money for it and I want to be able to use it.

At first I gave it a chance because I really liked the consistent and tidy way 3rd party apps are designed, but what use are good apps if you can't use them at their full potential because the OS constantly gets in your way?

In the end I found the best application to make my mac usable ... it's called Windows 7.

Comment Re:Next please! (Score 1) 446


Finder is a piece of shit.
The dock is a piece of shit.
Window management (zoom, minimize) is a piece of shit.
iTunes is an over engineered piece of shit.
Dumbing down and oversimplifying the interface all over the place is a fucking piece of shit.
Fuck OS X. I hate it and because of it I will never buy another Mac again.

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