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Comment Re:jury trials cost more money (Score 1) 897

Then they turn 18, go out on their own, and receive the shock of their lives when they are suddenly confronted with decisions they were never prepared to face. It's not a surprise that as young adults, they would engage in risky behavior like casual unprotected sex.

Plus, they have been told all their life that condoms and other contraceptions have no effect, which lead to the poor bugger asking why bother using them rather than "do not have sex", which I gather was the original intent.

Comment Re:Depends on how you look at it (Score 1) 115

Like any piracy, there isn't any theft (piracy isn't theft unless you somehow take someone elses copy of them) , but unlike regular piracy, there isn't even an oportunity lost. There can be no lost transaction when the publisher *cant* make a transaction in the first place.

Its literally victimless in all known senses.

I take it you feel the same about companies that take GPL code and distribute it without providing the source?

Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 1) 788

It's certainly sad to see that Asians dominate the good universities in the US, while so many US born talent cannot afford a good education.

How you know the Asians aren't US born? The Chinese started arriving in 1800s. The Vietnamese in the 1980s. Not sure when the Japanese arrived, but considered the Americans interned quite a few during WW2, they had to arrive prior to that.

Comment Re:Wow 20%? (Score 1) 315

If you ask some people if something is right or wrong they will reply that it depends on the situation and other factors. The idea that things can be just plain wrong in all cases is seen by some in society as outmoded and not keeping up with the times.

So, do you know what's wrong and right? What does your Bible say about slavery? Letting women talk in a gathering? How about wearing clothes that are mixed with wool and linen? How about sending your wife and daughter out to get raped and killed?

And before you say the NT invalidates OT, remember Jesus said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17.)

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