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Comment Re:One problem (Score 1) 917

What about when said expression of such beliefs has a severe, often fatal effect on young lives? I dislike censorship as much as the next person, but I don't think young children and teens should be eposed to such hate. If it were up to me, it wouldn't be banned, but rated so explicit/vulgar/controversial that at-risk demographics such as teenagers don't see it.

Comment Re:mixed feelings and abstract hate. (Score 1) 917

Please google a little bit about "ex-gays", the often rich and famous pastors/televngelists/politicians associated with that school of thought, and electro-shock therapy. Religion is all too often used to cloak hate and intolerance behind kindly words and warm demeanors. I mean, look at Mother Teresa, she thought all the ills plaguing the modern world was due to rich westerner women having abortions. It doesn't affect you, so you don't know how pervasive such religion-fueled hate can be, and why even its benign forms should be gaurded against, and shunned.

Comment Re:mixed feelings and abstract hate. (Score 1) 917

losing weight and stop smoking and drinking and taking drugs

Your choice of comparisons suggests you implicitly believe being gay to be a choice, since you compare it to these things. You seem to already be in subtle agreement with the major point of the bigots thoughts, so it doesn't surprize me that you wouldn't see the offensiveness of the app. If you knew how many gay teenagers kill themselves every year, because of attitudes and opinions espoused by the app makers and their ilk, you'd understand why most people consider "gay cures" to be particularly vile. I believe another poster already linked to electroshock therapy, and other horrific measures poor young homosexuals in the clutchs of right-wing, bigoted parents endure.

Comment Re:Not that weird a discovery... (Score 2) 49

Yes, long been known that slime molds display colonial behaviour, and that that genus has a motile "slug" colony form when it has exhausting the local food supply (really creepy to see a "plant-like" thing congeal into an "animal-like" thing). The new discovery is the fact that a significant amount of dictyo colonies carry food bacteria along with their spores, to grow wherever they land. They likely haven't outcompeted the non farming strains due to the trade-off (i.e, non farming strains do better in bacteria rich regions, while farming strains do better in bacteria free regions, bacteria meaning the ones they can eat)

Comment Re:Calling this "farming" is a real stretch. (Score 2) 49

Actually no, they taken "farming" and non-"farming" strains and introduced them to a sterile growth medium, then introduced their progeny to media with bacteria present. The farming strain again displays this behaviour when creating the fruiting body, and the non farming strains do not. It's a clearly heritable trait, and (at least now) there's nothing accidental about the behaviour. Of course, they don't select for particular species of bacteria, so it's pretty crude, and can lead to carying along non-food bacteria.

Comment Re:Doesn't Optimizing for GPU Exacerbate Fragmenti (Score 1) 307

doesn't show games which require a touch screen to users of phones without touch screens

Luckily, a touch screen is a requirement for Android (although no specifying the quality of the touchscreen), so that's not a problem. And yes, the Market does have a filter in place to only show apps that can run on your phone. Not sure about performance differences, but certainly it filters for hardware features (e.g, cameras, screen resolutions) and OS versions...

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 742

I'm not OP, but I have to comment about childrens' development. My own little cousins have all learnt to read, write and perform arithmetics exceedingly early, and giving them access to a computer had them googling games and things like that in minutes.

However, convincing them that a laptop is valuable, and that bashing it on the floor several times to see what it was made of was bad? That took a lot longer than few minutes (weeks) , and during this time, they couldn't use the laptop unsupervised...

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