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Comment Re:Fix 4k first (Score 1) 204

Really? You think my gtx770 would play games at 4k? I'd love to be able to play The Crew at 4k when it comes out.

I don't get why so many people in the gaming press are saying "not yet" for 4k gaming because the GPUs can't handle it. I'm going to check it out. Thanks for the tip about benchmarking 4k.

Comment Re:Motherfuckers (Score 3, Interesting) 167

If you think coffee is bitter, try making it in a cold press. You can still warm it up if you like the idea of hot coffee, but you won't get a bit of bitterness. Plus it brings out all the caffeine so you'll feel like you've just taken a cocaine suppository, which are also kind of bitter, by the way, which is why you should not eat them.

Comment Fuck you (Score 1) 167

I don't want anybody holding a patent on the coffee plant.

Until I see a government that's prepared to hold corporations accountable for misconduct, monopolistic and anti-competitive practices and general mopery, no, you don't get to have intellectual property protection on that genome you modified in the lab.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Comment Re:Predators become Parasites? (Score 1) 85

But if it is so big, instead of tiny insectoid parasites, a pack of rats might just burrow into its hide and make a nest, instead of fleas it might have ferrets like creatures crawling over it and biting it to drink its blood.

i'm guessing the fact that it was aquatic dissuaded the rats and ferrets. I'm not sure the size of the creature means the small parasites would ignore it, either.

I'm guessing leeches and little shrimp-like things and jesus that's disgusting. No wonder it's extinct. Good thing, too. You wouldn't want one of these wandering into your backyard to get into your garbage. It would give your dog a heart attack.

Comment Christ on a crutch (Score 2) 145

This weasely SOB says it's too hard to switch ISPs, when it's his own damn fault it's so hard. It's always going to be hard to switch when there are only two choices.

And he could make it a lot easier to switch if he'd just take the industry's dick out of his mouth for a second and stop the attacks on Net Neutrality. Maybe get with the Justice Department and talk about how to break up Comcast and AT&T.

I can't stand Wheeler. He's a symptom of the Obama administrations absolute failure. That he got appointed chairman of the FCC is just a joke. Guy's a former cable industry executive for chrissake. He's the last person who should be in charge of the FCC.

Comment Re:A solution to a problem (Score 4, Interesting) 152

I've got it about 60% serviceable.

That sounds about right. I tried netvibes for a few months after iGoogle went away and finally just gave up and use Awesome New Tab in Chrome. Unfortunately, you can't make Awesome New Tab the home page. You can make it come up automatically when you start Chrome, but not when you click the little house.

I've stopped missing iGoogle like I used to, but I'm still kind of pissed.

Seriously, it was a dick move that iGoogle went away. The problem with the igHomes and the netvibes is that they can't integrate all the google services as well as google. On the bright side, with all my futzing with iGoogle replacements and unsuccessfully trying to recreate iGoogle, I've come to understand more clearly how much of Google services' functionality comes from them invading my privacy. So now I use Epic browser and and actively seek to thwart google wherever I can, at least in regard to my participation in its "business model". Sometimes, I use Tor browser just to be a dick to people who want to upskirt my private life. Not that there's anything interesting in my private life, but apparently, there's something there good enough that Google was willing to give me all sorts of free shit just to get a peek at my undies. Fuck them.

I came to understand that when somebody gives you something nice for free, and they're not related to you in some direct personal way, you should be suspicious as hell and look for the catch before putting out your hand. Of course, many of you have long understood this, but I had to get hit over the head with it because I'm a little slow.

Comment Re:Why the fuck is this on Slashdot? (Score 4, Funny) 789

There are comparatively fewer web sites focusing on technology, mathematics, science, and computing. Slashdot was such a site. We'd be able to come here to find articles and dicussion that wouldn't be readily available from other sources or venues.

Next article up: "Ask Slashdot: Will nuclear winter usher in the year of Linux on the desktop?"

Comment Re:Chip and PIN (Score 2) 132

What do you care? the CC company pays for it, and they send you a new card.

As has already been pointed out, no, it's you that pays for it in fees.

The current interest rate on savings is what about 1%? Banks can take that money and charge 18-24%. They've got a license to print money. Do you really think they're just going to eat the loss? They're passing it on to you in dribs and drabs.

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