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Comment Re:Is this just for communications? (Score 2) 84

With current tech a 1 THz CPU would merely spend 99.9% of its time in idle waiting for memory... But nothing in the world could run a NOP or an endless loop faster than that device.

This is incorrect, common DDR3 memory is already 2 orders of magnitude slower than a 3 Ghz CPU and they work just fine.
With a THz CPU you also have THz memory (registers, level 1 cache, etc.), if your algorithm fits in the cache you will have close to 100% of the performance.

Comment Re:In case you're wondering (Score 2) 100

OEM chip prices like the Tegra 3 at $35 for a quad core 1.4GHz with a fifth extremely-low-power core bounded to 500MHz in single processor mode? With a full system-on-chip including system bridges, memory controllers, and full nVidia graphics, $35 is ridiculous. Why a quad core Sandy Bridge processor doesn't cost half that!

Is that a sarcastic question?
Tegra 3 and ARM in general is low power because it's small. You probably can pack 20 ARM cores inside a Sandy Bridge Core, even the Intel Atom, the smallest x86 core, is big next to an ARM core. You are comparing Apples to Oranges.

Comment The Raspberry PI is currently underpowered (Score 2, Interesting) 95

For only a few more dollars you could have a slightly more powerful CPU like tha allwiner A10 and a little more RAM soy you can run real debian and real ubuntu like the Beagleboard, Beaglebone and the Odroid-X can and you wouldn't need a forked, stripped linux distro, you could run the real thing. You don't need a weird graphic processor without drivers that nobody will touch, you need RAM and compatibility.

I hope they fix this in the next revision, the allwiner is selling for penauts nowadays.

Comment Re:So fast it outran the Link ! (Score 2, Insightful) 186

Great, another public relations company "news". No reporter was involved on this, 100% paid advertisment.
This is journalism today. You want to be on the news, just pay for it. Even slashdot is part of the system now.
BTW this work for universities too, that's why MIT makes the new every time they wire a microcontroller to a dishwasher.

Comment Re:Worry not: QT Creator IDE (Score 1) 462

Free, multi-plataform IDE for C/C++ projects:

You are forced to release your software as GPL if you use the QT sdk tough. But I think that's a limitation of QT, not qtcreator itself. It uses gcc/gdb as a backend.

Alright I was completely wrong about the GPL, as QT is now LGPL. Don't know where I took that piece of mis-information, I believe it was like that years ago, but no more. Well, that makes QT Creator even a better option.

Comment Re:Time to move. (Score 2) 377

To where? There isn't a country out there that isn't corrupt to the whims of the US that isn't ruled by someone just as bad.

Iceland is quite autonomous right now. They are a fully functional democracy with strong safeguards against these kinds of attacks to freedom. Besides, between geotermal activity and the cold climate a data center should be quite cheap to support there ;).

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