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Comment Not a Wii HD (Score 4, Interesting) 185

I picked up the Move and EyePet on Friday. While Sports Champions is nothing more than Wii HD, EyePet proves the real power of the Move setup. This game will not be for everyone (but if you have kids, it is 100% amazing) but what it does is amazing. With augmented reality and seeing yourself on the screen the tracking has to be perfect or it will simply look wrong. At no point when my four year old has been using it has it missed a beat. On top of that, EyePet uses a lot of video feedback from the camera for things as well. The best example is when your pet falls asleep and it starts "dreaming" about things it has done with you. It stores recorded of things you did with the pet and plays them back in a dream bubble over the pets head.

If Sony can get more titles out like this that show how it isn't Wii HD, they will have something.

Comment Bad summary (Score 3, Insightful) 97

"putting to rest Andoid fans' fears that they would never gain access to the device's secrets due to a reported eFuse that would brick the phone if certain boot files were tampered with"

This in no way puts that to rest. Rooting your device doesn't touch the boot partition at all. What should put to rest the bricking issue is Motorola straight up saying it won't happen. (see here)

Comment Re:Cry for me, not. (Score 1) 670

The problem is that it appears if you drop the service for even one month you can't reactive it with unlimited data. The benefit of the iPad data plan was that it was going to be able to be turned off and on each month as you needed it. So now, if you want unlimited you can't turn it off. Looks like people should go get a Sprint 4g phone and unlimited data w/ Tethering.

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