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Comment Depends (Score 2) 170

My early experiences were the old Atari VCS (2600) and VCS stood for video computer system. I was fascinated by the pixels and the idea of a TV being interactive.

I wanted control of the pixels.

Later, in school, I got to work on Apple ][ computers, and those just begged to be programmed. Gaming can initiate the desire, but so can a lot of other computer driven things these days.

It is not prep directly.

Indirectly, games can be prep. For a few friends and I, cracking copy protection got us into 6502 machine and later on, Assembly language. We would use the monitor to see what was going on. Reading the ROM listing told us a lot more.

BASIC is slow, and that too drove learning more. To get the real magic out of the old machines, one has to know stuff. We made games, played them and learned. Utility type programming was good too. One such program generated book reports with just a few picks and keyboard input.

Just playing, unless the game incorporates programming concepts, is not meaningful. The ability of games and other interactive things can spark the desire to build and control.

The latter leads to activities that do serve as prep.

Comment Re:Sudden? (Score 4, Insightful) 268

There are many cases where even republicans go on record stating man made climate change.
It is basicly the Oil industry who is trying to keep the doubt about it.
So the politicians Democrat or republican (mostly republican) who come from the Energy Producing states. Will play onto the spew to keep themselves elected.

Politics are not Pro- or Anti-Science. It is weather the science is political useful for them or not. Otherwise they will be happy putting their head in the sand.

Comment Re:Don't make me puke... (Score 3, Funny) 382

In contrast with other languages...

I find a better IDE for different and I was like, how about that, this makes it easier for me to write code for the language.

If back in the day where you had GWBasic

20 GOTO 10
20 GOTO 10
20 GOTO 10

If we had that type of IDE today the program will fail miserably. However you take the same language and give it a new IDE then you could in theory make an Enterprise class application in GWBASIC.

Comment Re:Plant? (Score 4, Interesting) 382

Well Oracle killing off Java was one of the biggest fear after it acquired Sun Microsystems. MySql was open sourced so it could fork like it had. VirtualBox we more or less kinda allowed it to die. Star err Open err LibreOffice had forked so many times that people probably forgot the Sun Acquired it as StarWriter. The Sun Servers Sparc based were declining in popularity.

But Java was the important thing we couldn't let die. And it isn't open source so the community couldn't steal it away from oracle.

Comment Re:all of that can be fixed (Score 1) 150

It is about politics.
In the public sector it isn't about your wins, but how bad your losses are.
If you report a problem, it gets escalated all the way to the top, where you get your elected officials who got there because they talk. Where then it goes back down to find the person to fire because of the issue. The general public will not be happy until they fire someone for the issue. Granted the person who made the mistake are probably the one who will not cause it again. But you fire them, shame them, make sure they will not work in that field ever again.

So yes if you see a problem you are better off to claim ignorance, then have fingers pointed at you.

Comment Re:None. (Score 2) 302

I think it is a case on where we shouldn't be teaching people how to operate technology. But to use technology to solve their problems.
Technology is a tool. When we are little kids, they show us how to operate the tool. When we get older we learn how to use the tools to create.

Most Information Technology Education is the equivalent of teaching someone how to hammer a nail. Where it should be taught on how to build a birdhouse. Where the hammer is only one of the tools out of many.

Comment Re:Okay, what is it? (Score 2) 88

Exactly. Even on a site for Computer Geeks and Nerds, It is silly to think we know of every new fangled device that is released, and their particular marketing claims of the day.
Being the poster contracted for the company, it probably means he is engulfed in the sales and marketing of the company and makes him believe that this is a really popular product. While it just covers a small niche.

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