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Comment Censorship is the wrong thing to do (Score 3, Interesting) 319

If you want to catch bad guys you don't want to block them from reaching resources because they'll just use proxies and the likes of tor to get them any way. And in doing so it becomes that much harder to track their activity. The better choice is to let them access what they like and monitor that activity. Use that activity to determine who they interact with, what sites they visit, what aliases they use, what search terms they plug in, what hours they operate, what IP address and location they come from. Shutting off that sort of information is self defeating.

Yeah some terrorists are probably supersmart and security concious and would cover their tracks in any event. But most terrorists are idiots - petty criminals and the dregs of society who've fallen under the spell of the movement. These people should be rich pickings if they are allowed to do what they like and given enough rope to hang themselves.

Comment I actually have sympathy for the dealers (Score 1) 190

Not a great deal of sympathy but some. Dealerships do offer competition and choice to the customer - the kind of competition lacking if the manufacture sets the price and there are no negotiations over that price.

The problem for car dealers are they are one of the the slimiest and contemptible professions around. Buying a car is an ordeal thanks to the upselling, misleading prices, nickel and diming, fine print and sales pressure that goes with it. Car salesmen are on a commission and quotas and they will fuck people over to get them. As such it's very hard to tell what sort of competition dealers provide for each other since they're all on a race to the bottom.

I think Tesla will have to sell cars via dealers but the best way to protect its image is to impose strict provisos that prevent dealers from tarnishing the brand and make the process of buying a car simple, free of pressure and scummy sales tactics. I'm sure Tesla has a few big sticks it could use to ensure compliance and the quality of sale and after market service.

Comment Re:Business as usual (Score 1) 437

How many times have you heard people complain that their phone is dying

All the goddamn time. Sometimes people are travelling, or out of their normal routine (e.g. late night party, or intensively using their phone that day), or simply forget to charge their device. And it's at those times that 2 hours extra battery would come in really handy.

And no, Lollipop won't save me an extra two hours of use - Kitkat 4.4.4 already comes with the ART runtime

The clue is in "development". And it's just one of many things Lollipop does to eke more power out of the device.

Comment Re:Serves them right (Score 2) 160

There is the gun range which has a sign saying, "Muslim Free Zone [arktimes.com]" and so far they're able to get away with it.

Am I supposed to applaud that? The fact that it happens is no excuse that it should be tolerated or supported.

No, but we do have pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control because it might offend their religion [ncsl.org].

Quite. And it should not be tolerated. Their job is to fill the damned prescription, not moralise, judge, discriminate or otherwise selectively choose to serve one person and not another. If they can't keep their beliefs separate from their damned job they should get another job.

Comment Re:Business as usual (Score 1) 437

You should care. It's not just CPU but battery consumption. One of the main objectives of Lollipop was "project volta" which was to cut power consumption. One way they did this is move from a JIT runtime to an AOT runtime - Android compiles the app when it is installed instead of every time it is launched and executed.

Comment Business as usual (Score 1) 437

I expect Lollipop uptake will be just fine in the end. It's same story as when 2.x went to 4.x - the handset manufacturers spend 6-12 months playing catchup before they're ready to move over. Perhaps there is less impetus to switch over but it'll happen.

Probably the best reason to use lollipop is that apps start faster, use less battery and the whole thing feels more responsive. This is due to the new ahead of time compiler. The UI experience is fairly take-it-or-leave-it though - it's slick but it's not hugely better than in 4.x and some stuff like the playstation style abstract buttons are frankly just stupid.

Comment Re:Serves them right (Score 2) 160

No one should ever be forced to do business with someone they don't want to

So it's okay to put up a sign in a bar that says "no blacks or hispanics?" or for a pharmacist to refuse to fill a prescription because the person is a Muslim? Basically you're spouting horseshit. It is not acceptable in this day and age to do so. If someone finds themselves prejudicial to people of one sort or another they shouldn't be a taxi driver or in some other public facing profession in the first place.

Comment Re:Laywood (Score 1) 72

I bought a Sprig toy for my kid about 8 years ago which was formed from a mix of recycled wood & plastic. It smelt lovely and had a nice texture (although the toy sucked for other reasons). I'm sure it's not a big deal to turn wood / plastic into a filament providing the wood is basically dust and mixed to the correct ratio. Same for metal, stone, brick etc.

Comment Re:Wayland / serious question (Score 1) 63

It is X compatible too and supports the protocol.

Wayland is an API for creating / destroy / rendering windows as graphical surfaces and handling input events. Wayland is implemented by a compositor, e.g. Weston. Neither Wayland nor Weston gives a damn about X in any way shape or form. If you want to run X apps then you'd run the Xwayland server which uses wayland as its backend and hosts clients through X11 protocol. I expect most dists that switch to wayland would seamlessly fire up the server if its needed although over time more and more applications will be ported and work without it.

Comment Re:Wayland / serious question (Score 1) 63

The need for a window manager doesn't go away because of Wayland. Wayland provides a reference implementation of a compositing window manager called Weston but its likely that others will appear. The role is somewhat different since windows are decorated client side but a wm would still provide functionality such as drag & drop, resize, maximize / minimize, snapping them to edges, animation / effects, remote access etc.

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