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Comment No way, SSD for me! (Score 4, Interesting) 522

I droped an Intel x-25M that I won into an aging Athlon x2 (first of the dualcores), my wife's PC. That thing SMOKES now, gets to windows in about 35 seconds. It's faster than my I-920 w/ 9GB of tripple channel ram, Raid, and a radeon 5870. If I just need to do something online right quick, it's faster than my cellphone on Wife to power up, get to a page I need and shutdown.

Truly AMAZING upgrade, and it was by far and above the biggest improvement I've seen in overall performance, despite having almost the same upgrade paths as you when I was a tyke.


Comment Re:HBO "Superheroes" documentary on these guys (Score 1) 590

Yeah, but the problem is with vigilantes is that there's no guarantee they'll agree with you what an "asshole" is in less clear-cut cases. Sure, if a vigilante rescues me from being beaten up, I'd be grateful. But what if he "rescues" me from buying liquor, or porn, or having an abortion? The fantasy of being a vigilante isn't limited to doing good, it includes getting to decide what *is* good to do. And without somebody looking over your shoulder, it's easy to screw that up.

Actually, it's easy, watch boondock Saints, they explain it well.

Connor: Now you will receive us.
Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
Connor: We do not want your tired and sick.
Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.
Connor: It is your evil that will be sought by us.
Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
Connor: These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain.
Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.
Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.

Connor, Murphy and Il Duce: And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
Il Duce: In nomine Patris
Connor: et Filii
Murphy: et Spiritus Sancti.

Comment STOP: all these comments are fine, but in Reality (Score 1) 659

You have limits, and finite paths to take. You still have to have your life, while giving your child the best chance to succeed.

I'm having my first boy now, and I intend to show him as many different fun things to do as possible, and the sciences involved in performance around those hobbies.

I.E. RC flight, so that he may learn some hand eye cordination, and get a lesson on aerodynamics, thrust to weight, stall speed, pitch vs. diameter, etc... in more arbitrary terms like better battery, smaller prop, etc..If he is interested, he'll want to know "why" does a smaller prop work better for speed, but not thrust.
What the tradeoffs are for a bigger heavier battery can be illustrated in a more scientific manner. Then we can show him how to do that work when he's curious as to how these things relate to his hobby.

I say give him the options, show him the laws of economy as it relates to the choices in his life. You can have anything you want, but can only pick it's qualities from 20 pts in this scale:
        Good(10), Fast(10), Cheap(10) (or the variants as situation deems necessary).

Don't try to influence him w/ your prejudices (which you will do just by a slight twitch in the eye anyway). But instead explain how people who spend time doing this activity increase their abillity to do this while decreasing their abillity to do that.

If he wants to do Ballet, we're O.K. w/ that too. And as he wants to do better, we can help him by showing how form takes strength, self control & discipline. How a story can be told w/ the motions of the body, etc.. (It's not for me, but were he to so choose, I say smart kid, great way to meet lots of girls...)

I hope it'll be the "right way" for our son, and I hope I can stick to this plan.

Comment Words can not express how Thankful we are for /.! (Score 1) 1521

When I first started reading slashdot I thought I knew something about computers. It quickly became apparent that I knew nothing. I wasn't even 21! Since then, with no formal education, I've risen to a Sr. Analyst spot at a rather large employer in WA state! I discovered that while I got the concepts, I didn't really like programming, but build / support was where I shined. Almost 15 years later, (& I may have gone about things the hard way), but I've learned a ton, and am well respected among my peers. I have many people to thank for that, but certainly you & the /. community. Thank you!

Slashdot is so many things. It's a silent force on the internet, the largest "botnet" for DDOS! Due to information posted on this site, my political views on certain positions have been altered, strengthened, and in some situations abolished. My support philosophy has changed as well. It's the place where we can all collectively debate, console, share, reminisce, appreciate and so much more. I'll never forget crying when reading the 9/11 posts. I remember the Marriage proposal too!

As humans, sometimes to grow we need to leave our comfort zone. Enjoy this new chapter, you're about to soar even higher.

P.S. if you are coming to PAX this weekend, look me up in the PC area! I now manage tech support for that portion of the event!

Thanks again CmdrTaco!

Comment Re:TAKE YOUR VACATION! (Score 1) 200


It's true...

O.K. so there may be some caveat's... Truth be told, I use data on my phone to pump Pandora through my car stereo, but out there, it's pretty choppy, so I usually switch to something else.

Even Verizon doesn't cover the whole 101 stretch though, there are many parts in WA & OR that don't get 3G coverage, so data will be slower than snail mail. Between Forks and Ocean Shores for sure.

Really, if you're responding a few quick texts... fine, but if an "emergency" happened, what could you REALLY do about it? You'd have to hunt down a library, or drive to a coverage area to do anything productive.

Otherwise, there are plenty of hotspots along the way to dump data, Forks, Ocean Shores, Astoria, Long beach, Pacific beach, etc... I'd use free wifi...
Again, those pay as you go plans won't help, even if you find a resonably priced one, if you don't have coverage, or have limited coverage.

(Coverage may have changed since I've been out there, but I doubt it)

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