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Comment Re:User unfriendliness strikes again unfortunately (Score 0) 143

Why not just wipe the FLASH completely, then your battery will last 500x longer! You won't be able to do anything useful (which for most people does actually include Facebook) ... but at least you won't have the odious, mind-numbing, soul-destroying task of plugging it into the wall socket every night.

Comment Re:No point pussy-footing around (Score 1) 128

The AES s:boxes already have an algebraic solution in themselves, as do every step of the process, rotates, xors, sums mod 2^32 etc. The problem is the combinatorial explosion that happens even over the course of one round when you combine all the operations, meaning there's so many simultaneous equations to solve, you'd need huge amounts of plaintext and corresponding cyphertext to even establish a few bits of the key.

Comment Re:You can switch it off. (Score 1) 195

And if *everyone* simply opted out, it wouldn't make a damn of difference, as the Government would merely have a very cheap and up-to-date census of everyone in the UK. But no, you have to be fucking "precious" about it. You are exactly the kind of person who shouldn't be looking at porn, I can just imagine you in a darkened room giggling like a 6 year old while surfing the forbidden fruits. Man (or woman) the fuck up. Telling someone you like porn is not a sin.

Comment Re:Correlation is not causation, FFS. (Score 1) 417

> The only realistic solution to global warming is to bring greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, down to a net zero level. Anything else is just window dressing. So basically ban cows, because Methane is a greenhouse gas, and ban electric kettles because Water Vapour is a greenhouse gas? Would you listen to yourself? BAN ALL THE THINGS!!! If I can't have a cup of coffee in the morning, or munch on a juicy steak, then what's the point of living anyway?

Comment Re:How futile. (Score 1, Flamebait) 82

> Doesn't that worry you a little bit?

No not at all. The Court Order lists sites that can be blocked, and *dedicated* proxies that effectively point to the same place.

It does NOT give the BPI the power to "shut down any site it wants" and other hyperbolic statements that are being bandied about in the media.

Using Slippery Slope arguments is a nonsensical thing to do. Are you seriously trying to tell me that if they block some political activists site, he's not going to just register another domain and have the site back up in 5 seconds, and then scream blue-murder all over Twitter and Reddit ?

Let's stick to the facts. The BPI are playing whack-a-mole, and right now they have a considerably bigger "whacker" than in the past. Is it going to inconvenience some cheap bastards who want fr33 st00f ? Possibly. Is it the "end of the Internet as we know it, police state, 1984, dystopian nightmare etc etc". Fuck off, seriously.

Comment Re:Why the hate . . . (Score 1) 775

Insightful comment, but about 20 years too late. Everything you accuse Google Glass of encouraging has already happened with smartphones.

People you are physically talking to will put YOU on hold while they read that "oh so important" Facebook message.

A group of teens meeting for the evening requires only a table, chairs and a 4-gang socket to charge their bloody devices on. They'll happily sit there for hours at a time NOT looking at each other, but at their iPads.

Idiots in restaurants who HAVE to photograph every starter, main course and sweet and then rush to post them on Facebook, while the meal is still in progress.

People who will happily spend hundreds of dollars on the latest iBrick, not because it's technically superior, but because it will make them "look good" in the coffee shop.

We have reached the most technically "social" generation, and yet at the same time, are the most anti-social bunch of cunts you could ever wish to meet.

And now we'll have to contend with them constantly squinting at their own foreheads, when they should be concentrating on things like driving, or walking in a straight line, or heaven forbid, fucking TALKING to the person they are with.

So like I said, no use in closing the barn door now, the horse has already bolted, careened off down the village and was last seen heading towards the knackers yard.

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