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Comment Re:economics by compass and straightedge (Score 1) 458

But the alternative is long lines and most people not getting it anyway.

The net result is the same: Most people won't get the scarce resource anyway.

Your method ensure the distribution is essentially random, allowing price rises to what the market will bear has two advantages:

1) The people who most highly value (or can afford) that resource will get it

2) It will encourage other suppliers to step in to fill the void.

Comment Re:Cracking Down On Free Enterprise? (Score 4, Insightful) 458

So your take is its better for no one to have generators than to have people who value the generator pay more for it?

All you do with this kind of rational is ensure there is a generator shortage.

I live far away from the carnage, but I have a Honda portable generator.

I'm willing to sell it for $2,000 to anyone who wants it. For $3,000 I'll deliver.

Am I now a scumbag?

Or consider:

I have a generator, but its not worth my while to sell it to you at what you consider a fair price.

Now I'm a good guy, right?

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 658

"made more sense when crappy domestic makes required a new transmission at 25k miles"

There has never been such a requirement.

I'm sure you could point to an individual car with a failed transmission at 25K miles; heck I had a brother in law that had an engine fail at 7K miles (Saab, of course), but even at the depths of their quality, American cars were never as bad as you make it sound.

Comment Perhaps this explains... (Score 1) 615

Perhaps this explains why Google is good at making money from search (their first idea), but everything has essentially fallen apart.

Great conceptually, but execution-wise, if search was not so profitable, they'd be in worse shape than Yahoo.

Where are those big successful ideas for Google?

Google Office?
Android? Well okay.

Comment ODB II Readers are cheap (Score 1) 233

You can buy one at most places for around $60 (US). And a pretty good one at that.

I agree with the speculation of why they don't include it, but for people who have no idea that an ODB II readers is, the additional information that ah O2 sensor is broken won't keep them from taking it to a dealer anyway.

Every independent garage has an ODB II reader.

And no shade tree mechanic goes without. Its time for the car manufacturers to come into the 1990's.

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