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Comment Re:Nordstream (Score 1) 327

Source [Polish]
"At the end of 1970s the beaches of Baltic "
"The total number of chemical weapons captured by Allied Forces was never revealed [...] The inventory for the Potsdam conference specifies ca. 70,000 tonnes of active substance in millions of ammunition units" the article says, that the western allies dumped their stocks of chemical weapons in concrete-filled ship hulls at the depth of 500m, near the coast of Norway. Soviets dumped the discarded ammunition without any protection preferrably near Bornholm or Gotland, or if the ship crew deemed necessary - at any place in Baltic.
Corroded ammunition has already poisoned Pucka Bay near Gdansk in 1970s (see the pictures). The fishing is not allowed there to this day.

As to your second argument, the disputes are normal and happen constantly. The last conflict undermining the reliability of Ukraine as transit country had a peculiar timing. That was my point.

Comment Re:Nordstream (Score 1) 327

Paraphrasing: why should we allow ourselvses to be taken hostage and used as bargaining chips in Third Reich and Great Britain fights?

Depends, how you define european interest. For me, this is foremost avoiding energy dependence on single supplying country, especially one known for using economical (Finland), energy (Ukraine) blackmail or straight military force against neighbouring states (Georgia) recently.

Comment Re:Nordstream (Score 1) 327

Environmental risk is doubtless greater for underwater pipe because of the difficulty of fixing leaks and chances of hitting sunken chemical weapon arsenals from WW2.
Interestingly, Ukraine was transferring gas without problems for decades. The problem with Russia happened of course only by coincidence just at the time Nordstream tried to secure financing from EU...

Comment Nordstream (Score 1) 327

Oh, isn't that a coincidence that the former german cancellor, Gerhard Schroeder at his new job works with russian Gazprom to pull a very expensive and environmentally risky gaspipe under the Baltic Sea directly from Russia to Germany?
The cost of such gaspipe will be a multiple of one running through Belorussia or Ukraine and Poland, but the geopolitical windfall for Putin is priceless. Shouldn't Volkswagen try to help?
The Tzar won't forget a favour. Legends of "Global warming" will be put aside for a moment I guess for this important undertalikg.

Comment Think of priorities, give my river back! (Score 1) 358

As child I used to bath in a river, which by now is so polluted my children cannot do the same.
Most waters of developed countries are polluted. Lakes and rivers die from eutrophisation, sea fish are so full of mercury, the FDA recommended pregnant women to avoid fish meals. The ecosystems are damaged, people poisoned. This at least can be easily verified, but still our governments have chosen to spend money on preventing the climate change, knowing that such changes had always occured in Earth's history, even the short human history. Organisms adapt to climate changes easily, they always did. To mercury and pesticides - perhaps not at all, so far surely not. You will wake up after 10 years more poor, poisoned and witnessing whatever climate change was to occur, because it will do so no matter how many beaurocrats you'll feed to fight it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Paul Berman on Che Guevara

Slate, 2004

That was old. New news is, there's a new communist party in France, established just when Poland celebrates 20th anniversary of freeing itself from socialism to democracy... Freezing irony from the west.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bullied? Hit sumbody weaker!

In historical perspective, this is exactly what Zionists do. After having suffered Shoah from Germans, they apply Holocaust to Palestinians. How can I respect the state of Israel, when the notion of honor does not belong there?

User Journal

Journal Journal: January 17th 1945

The official starting date of Soviet occupation of Warsaw. The Soviet troups entered what used to be Warsaw (for an idea, see Polanski's "Pianist"). Before they moved in, they spent half year just across the river witnessing the Warsaw Uprising, the genocide of 200.000 civilians by the heroic German troops, then the systematic destruction of the city, building by building also

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tewje Bielski, Defiance, Daniel Craig and Naliboki massacre
"The murderers from Bielski's unit"

The author discusses accounts of witnesses of the Naliboki massacre (Naliboki in district Stolpce, Nowogrod area) and evidence from the archives. On May 8th 1943 the group of Soviet partisans assisted by Bielski's unit have killed 128 Polish civilians, inhabitants of Naliboki village.

Shame on you, Mr. Craig, another "useful idiot."

Comment OK. We win, then what? (Score 1) 476

Linux stays competing with whom? IBM? What would convince IBM and others to contribute to free software development now that Windows is gone?
In my opinion, Linux should not play the role of an "handy idiot" in hands of Big $ to kill M$, M$ is Linux's guarantee of being supported by Big $, at least to some degree.

Comment Some issues with Sokal (Score 1) 1

Mainly his reducing of religion to prejudice (2008 paper).
1. Atheism is religion (prejudice?). It is a belief, unsupported by evidence, in the fact of non-existence of God.
2. Human spirituality (religiousnes) can manifest itself in various ways. I think it is a part of human nature, possible subject of scientific study.
3. Atheist societies aren't necessarily ruled by reason more than the religious ones (Stalinist Soviet Union, the biology of Lysenko)

User Journal

Journal Journal: CO2 emissions

Poland has reduced the CO2 emissions by 30% between 1988 and 2008 (sustaining strong economical growth), while the Europe on average by 1% (of 6% Kyoto target) (source: former min. of environment Jan Szyszko)

France produces most of its energy in nuclear plants and pushes hard for further CO2 emission reduction by 20%. This brings 3 questions:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sokal's hoax notes 1
(Citations, some of them are true little crapball gems, esp. Jacques Derrida)

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