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Comment Re:Tubes (Score 1) 226

Your mass prevents it from happening. As you get closer and closer to c, your mass increases, requiring more energy to accelerate you further.

To actually move at c, you'd require infinite energy. You don't have infinite energy, hence you can't hit c.

Now, the trick with the tube would be this:
Take, say, a six foot by six foot square of material. Lets say light can move 3 feet/second, and you can move 1 foot/second, and you want to get a dinky car, represnting you, from the middle of the left edge to the middle of the right edge.

Light will do that in two seconds. The dinky car will do it in six seconds.

Now, pick up the cloth, and hang it over a clothes line. Hook a dinky-car sized flexible tube from point A to point B on the two edges. They'll be an inch or two apart. Light still travels along the surface, and takes two seconds to get there. Your dinky car, however, gets there virtually instantly.

Your car didn't move any faster, you just warped space to decrease the distance you had to travel.

Comment Re:Military service can be mandatory, can cause ha (Score 1) 545

I'd love to hold society to the standard that no child should have to risk death due to parental stupidity. That's just not California. If you really want to uphold this ideal, you'll have to crusade for myriad causes, including gun control, obesity-fighting measures, tighter distribution of driver's licenses, promotion of breastfeeding, etc, etc. On the list of annual deaths in California caused by parental stupidity, lack of vaccination is near the bottom of the list.

All of this is true. However, lack of vaccination will rapidly climb the lists if America's current anti-science, anti-education and anti-logic trends are allowed to continue.

Comment Re:Since there's no downside, why not go all out? (Score 1) 1094

I don't think there's a downside to a minimum wage, or at least, not a compelling one.

As to specific implementation details. I really don't know. Not my field. My lay opinion would be that, well, it needs to be tied to the local cost of living and what not, but it would be a bitch to administrate. But no, having the minimum wage in Buttfuck Arkansas and Los Angeles be the same is probably sub-optimal.

I intended more to point out that while a small increase is basically a cost-of-living raise, a large increase will, indeed, likely do more harm than good.

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