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Comment Re:Is it actually a bug at all? (Score 1) 208

Because nobody remembers the days when UNIX was just as 'keep security out of the way of the user' as Windows was. Nobody remembers the good old days of sendmail happily handing root access for the asking. 'wizard', 'debug', etc. Nobody remembers that UNIX is 'MULTICS with most of the security stripped out.' UNIX as in eunuchs as in a castrated version of MULTICS.

Comment Re:Multiplayer approximates to lack of content? (Score 1) 292

Bioware/EA's MMO Star Wars The Old Republic is a counter to that - 8 huge personal (single player, in a multiplayer world) storylines, one for each basic character class, with minimal and entirely optional multiplayer content until you get to the endgame, at which point it becomes almost totally about multiplayer in a traditional MMO grind-fest for gear.

Alternatively, you can do the tutorial planet, then jump immediately into PvP, PvP Dogfighting, flashpoints, etc etc, i.e. do nothing BUT multiplayer, while hitting three or four missions per planet to progress the storyline.

You get to play your way.

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