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Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 0) 223

I agree with the anonymous poster. It's shit food that doesn't even look like food.

Learn how to cook. Bring stuff to eat with you. Learn about macronutrients and keep track of them. Learn how to drink water and black coffee. Don't live off of vending machines and perk snacks/tripe. Eat to fuel your body and not as some kind of reward or social activity or something you do out of boredom.

I haven't had any crisps or snack foods in about 5 years. You just have to deprogram yourself to eat like you're getting ready for a famine.

Comment Revenge of the Nerds (Score 1) 635

Why are you all buying into the same nerd-jock dichotomy from junior high? Exercising or taking up a sport won't lower your IQ 30 points or make you unable to write a C program. You should have more in your life than sitting in front of a blinking screen, snacking and anime porn.

I'm an mechanical engineer and I also am a competitive powerlifter who holds state titles. Being at that level of sport requires a considerable time commitment, but It's something that I enjoy. I remember the first time I tried incline benching; I got pinned under 95lbs. Now, I can rep 365lbs. I would never have discovered this ability if I just looked at exercise and strength as something for dumb jocks who are mentally enfeebled.

Comment Because It's Not the University of Phoenix (Score 1) 372

Using a lot of tech detracts from the classroom instruction experience because it becomes very easy to commodify and degrade. Putting all the resources all online and using cute web based tests? Ok, then open up another 10 sections for the online students. Also, the university I graduated from had very strict IP hording policies. The university automatically took ownership over all materials professors put online for their students. Keeping everything paper was a defensive mechanism.

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