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Comment Devil's advocate (Score 1) 357

Disclaimer: I don't agree with the following, but here are the counter arguments that I think would apply. To an extent described in the article.

1. Willing suicide bombers are rare. This means that if there is a significant chance they will be caught pre-explosion, they will seek another avenue. So the goal of TSA measures is not to catch 100% of smuggled weapons, it is merely to make airplanes too risky a target. If the bomber/hijacker is caught, the expensive resource is squandered.

2. These tests are performed by the agency's own 'red team' who have extensive knowledge and resources to draw on. It is common practice to have training tests far exceed the level of threat one is likely to encounter in the real world. In other words, the real world adversary is nowhere near as skilled and capable as the red team.

Comment Testing for "risk" is risky (Score 1) 37

I am sure gene tests for conditions that are 100% due to genes are accurate. But how does one determine if an estimate of risk is accurate or not? If the lab tells me I have a 10% chance of getting cancer, and I do, that doesn't establish anything unless I can live the same life repeatedly. The article doesn't say anything about tests being 'often wrong' instead it is about different labs judging risk differently, and the need to share information to try to narrow that variance.

Comment seems inevitable (Score 1) 109

With base interest rates at effectively zero, it isn't hard to predict that asset values like this would inflate. In other words, financing is so cheap that things that wouldn't get it at higher interest rates now find it easy to come by.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

That's one bone of contention in the whole mess. While Greece borrowed money it could not pay back, shouldn't the lender also take some responsibility for giving the money to them in the first place? I keep waiting for Greece to say something like 'all these banks are going to take a haircut or we drag all of you down with us'

Comment Re:Germany should pay war reparations for WWII (Score 1) 743

Should Greece abandon them because Germany said austerity is the way?

This is a false dichotomy. What is often overlooked is that fiscal 'austerity' is only a small part of the bigger issues afflicting Greece. If half your economy is dependent on government spending, and government spending goes down, well there goes your economy. So what happened to the rest of the Greek economy? They are crippled by a huge list of counterproductive regulations from some dreamland they have been in for decades. I don't mean regulations like 'dont dump poison in the river' I mean regulations like 'there can only be one pharmacy in each town' or 'all freight has to be driven by a Greek driver'. Getting rid of all that garbage is the other half of the austerity program that is typically overlooked.

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