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Comment Re:It's like Palo Alto all over again... (Score 2) 227

The early part of SCO vs Novell and SCO vs IBM was all in SCO favour too as they were allowed to get away with a great deal. As the cases progressed the Judge(s) reined them in harder and harder. The case vs Novell (Novell won), a retrial was ordered and they won again. The IBM case may never get to trial as TSG (formerly SCO) is trying to get into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (liquidation) while still being allowed too continue the trial, which was gutted of most of their claims by the loss to Novell.

My point if you haven't understood it is that you can "win" early in the case but decisively lose later when it matters.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 5, Funny) 404

When did Apple ever sue Google?

Apple is currently fighting against (and started the fight) Motorola Mobility. THIS suit is Motorola Mobility fighting back. That ignores all the OTHER anti Android suits by Apple against Google customers. So you can take it as a retaliation for the suit against Motorola Mobility or in defense of their customers either way it is defensive not aggressive.

When you start a fight it is your fault if the other side tries to rip your nuts off and shove them down your throat.

Comment Re:Trivial changes to pollen and nectar eaters (Score 1) 189

Evolution: One species evolves into another

Natural selection: members of a species with a successful trait thrive over others, becoming dominant within the species. Species itself does not change.

1/ the mechanism of evolution IS natural selection.

2/ A successful trait spreading through a population is in fact a change to the species and is evolution.

3/ Species change incrementally from original to successor. Having acquired a single new trait may not do it. Many new traits acquired over time does do it. Like compound interest.

Comment Re:valve sells oppressive closed source bullshit (Score 0) 167

if you're just going to run closed source apps you might as well stop being cheap and buy a mac. macs deliver the unix desktop dream that linux has failed to produce. the only reason to run linux on the desktop is that you believe in the open source ideal, if you're just going to buy closed source games from valve might as well just get a mac and get them through the app store.

DRM. Customer lockin.

Comment Re:Interesting times ahead potentially.. (Score 1) 167

Much in the same way that people criticize Android for being "not real Linux" they will attack Valve's console Linux as "not real Linux" and demand that they can run the game on their distro of choice.

The people I run into saying "Android isn't real Linux" are anti Linux people trying to continue their claims that Linux is a total failure. We must not meet the same people as the pro Linux people I know acknowledge that Android is on a Linux core without rancor.

Comment Re:Wow, atheist materialism? (Score 3, Insightful) 286

One problem with atheists is that they don't go to church. So they judge Christians by the kooks they see on TV,

You don't think that they perhaps judge Christians by those they know personally?

By your standards perhaps Christians should attend Synagogues to understand Jews and Mosques to understand Moslems, auditing sessions to understand Scientogolists? How many of these have YOU done? What have you done to understand atheists and agnostics?

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