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Comment Re:The problem with computer sabotage... (Score 1) 334

except that you'll have a very hard time finding allies for the next war...

Gulf War I the U.S. had lots of allies. Gulf War II not as many or as committed. The difference? Bush I used Statesmanship to build the alliance. Bush II snubbed allies and went on constantly about how the U.S. didn't need anyone's help. He was lucky not to alienate ALL the U.S. allies instead of only some of them.

The next wars allies will depend on the why of the war and the statesmanship or lack of it from the then President.

Comment Re:Barbarians... (Score 1) 496

I'd say that the people who think The Creationist Museum are a pretty neat idea are the real enemies of civilization.

I'll disagree.

The real enemies are those who would force their religion on others. Such as the recent surge of attempts to put Creationism in Science classes. The groups over lap but are not the same. It is when they try to enforce their religious views on others they are dangerous to society. Merely holding those views doesn't make them dangerous.

I have never had an explanation from those who claim that God gave man free will as to why they then try to use their religion to compel obedience to their standards. God gave free will but then tells you not to use it or suffer eternal damnation?

Comment Re:Making it criminal helps the police (Score 1) 383

This is incorrect. The FBI only has investigative jurisdiction over federal crimes, thus differentiating them from local police departments. The RCMP and the Calgary police department enforce the exact same set of laws - Criminal Code of Canada, and they have identical investigative jurisdictions. While the RCMP is a national police force, it is not the equivalent of the FBI.

Simply put, RCMP hands out parking tickets but the FBI does not.

It depends where you are in Canada. Some Provinces don't have their own Police and the RCMP does that role. Ontario for a counter example has the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) and the RCMP are purely Federal here. Even the OPP is restricted in cities with their own police departments. In Ontario the RCMP won't be handing out parking tickets, in Cities with their own police neither will the OPP. Other provinces differ.

So in short it depends on the Province and City on whether the RCMP has local policing roles or not.

Comment Re:But what created the law of gravity? (Score 1) 1328

Sure it does. Atheists stake their eternal future on the presumption that God does not exist. They live their whole lives doing what they want, and rejecting the concept that there could be anyone or anything greater than themselves. If they are wrong, and there turns out to be a judgement day they will spend eternity burning in hell. That takes a great deal of faith (or ignorance take your pick).

Theists gamble their eternity on the presumption that they picked the right religion.

I believe that if there is in deed a God worth worshipping that he/she/it will judge people on more than their faith but on their actions. A just God would not condemn people for eternity if they were good people.

Comment Re:"For years..." (Score 1) 129

(people not doing auto- or frequent updates, for some reason or other).

Among the reasons for not doing auto updates are patches from Microsoft hosing your system.

A couple of personal examples:

An update to IE made it impossible for ANY program to access the internet with that computer. Why an IE update was able to block other programs was never clear but shows why the integration of programs for marketing reasons is a bad idea.

Another one "updated" a driver for the motherboard to an older version that predated that motherboard and BSOD'd the machine.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 165

Abrams is free to write his own Roddenberry-esque universe that includes different physical laws, different events, different characters, and of course lots of lens flare.

What annoys a lot of fans is that Abrams did not do as you said. Instead of creating his own he like Berman and Braga before him messed with Roddenberry's work.

Others did truly create their own and shows like Babylon 5, Firefly and Stargate were born. They do things their own way and Trek fans can still appreciate them because they are not screwing up what Roddenberry did.

Comment Re:What can the Linux Foundation turn down? (Score 1) 250

The Linux Foundation's largest financier is IBM. Therefore, it's obvious that they'll dismiss complaints over IBM's anticompetitive behavior and its overall hypocrisy.

That is an assumption. They could very well agree with IBM merely because IBM in their view is right.

You don't know that the Linux Foundation wouldn't oppose IBM if they felt IBM was wrong and lose IBM's backing willingly in that case. Organizations have done such things in the past.

You merely assume that they are opposing you for monetary reasons but provide no proof

Concerning Groklaw, I don't want to make claims as to who funds it (although a lot of people have previously - not in this discussion here but elsewhere - voiced theories that might make sense), but there's no doubt that it's been slavishly loyal to IBM all along.

Again no evidence merely assumptions and innuendo.

Your assumption that anyone who backs your opponents must be paid by those opponents and therefore unwilling to oppose them says much about your thought modes. Don't you ever go against your financial interests and stand on principal? If you do why do you assume that others do not merely because they are on the other side of the issue? Can you not conceive of the idea that others might sincerely oppose you based on their principals and understanding of the situation and the possibility that they might in fact be right and you wrong?

Linux Business

Hemisphere Games Reveals Osmos Linux Sales Numbers 131

An anonymous reader writes "Hemisphere Games analyzes the sales numbers for their Linux port of Osmos and ask themselves, 'Is it worth porting games to Linux?' The short, simple answer is 'yes.' Breakdown and details in the post." A few other interesting details: the port took them about two man-months of work, the day they released for Linux was their single best sales day ever, and they got a surprising amount of interest from Russia and Eastern Europe. Their data only reflects sales through their website, and they make the point that "the lack of a strong Linux portal makes it a much less 'competitive' OS for commercial development." Hopefully someday the rumored Steam Linux client will help to solve that.

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