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Comment Re:what happened here (Score 0) 89

This was an excellent post. I don't know if it is the correct scenario, but is very plausible in view of the facts. I also enjoyed reading about an organization that having its own weapon (copyright law) turned against it. You should have posted this under your user name if you have one. If you don't go ahead and register because I think your posts would be above average and would add to the comments.

Comment Re:Your degree will suffice. (Score 3, Informative) 149

There is another alternative. I went back to school because if I'm doing something on my own, life tends to get in the way. Taking a class forces me to do the work. That being said, that is the situation that applies to me. Perhaps you have more self-discipline and learn effectively on your own as other posters have suggested. However, you don't have to earn another degree. Just enroll as a non-degree student and cherry pick the courses you would find useful. Just because you a CS degree doesn't mean that you have to go to a 4 year college. I have an MS in Computing, but I'm taking some courses at technical college (2 year college). Go for the knowledge you think is useful for your goals and career. Good Luck!

Comment Re:the millions of lives (Score 2) 110

Why did the US need to get involved? From http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/inde...

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour.
        I believe it is peace for our time...
        Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."

Singling out the US demonstrates a lack of understanding of the historical context.

Comment Re:Evidence seems compelling - MAC address? (Score 1) 175

MAC address given was B8-9B-C9-D9-5E-00

Using the IEEE data: B8-9B-C9 (hex) SMC Networks Inc
                                                                  B89BC9 (base 16) SMC Networks Inc
                                    20 Mason
                                Irvine CA 92618
                                UNITED STATES

SMC makes cable modems, see http://na.smc.com/

The question is, where is that cable modem and who owned or leased it at that time?

Comment Re:Evidence seems compelling - MAC address? (Score 1) 175

One of the pieces of information in the Comcast letter is a MAC address. If you could link that address to hardware owned or leased by Prenda Law, you would really have a "smoking gun". I don't know if it is from a cable modem, but you should be very easily be able to identify the manufacturer based on the first three octets (It's been several years since I had my networking class, so my memory could be faulty)

Comment Re:They'll Be Back (Score 4, Insightful) 770

brainboyz is right - take your time. You can use the time to research the stuff and decide if you really need to replace all 5 TV's. Also, if you throw out the boxes, cut them up and don't advertise the fact that you bought a big new 58" TV. You don't say how they got in, but after my house was broken into (the burglars destroyed the door) my insurance company paid for a new door. As part of the project, I got a security screen door. This will not a determined burglar, but it will slow them down enough so that they will look for an easier place to hit.

Comment Re:State Universities. (Score 1) 215

I think that a 2 year college would be a better bet. In Wisconsin, they are called Technical Colleges. Check out the equivalent in your area. I'm in the second class of an IT Project Management certificate program (3 courses) There is not a single "traditional" student in the class. All of us are currently employed with at least 10 years experience. One of my group partners last year had grandchildren -- it's never too late to go back. Good luck!

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