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Comment Re:Less FF Bloat please (Score 1) 351

I haven't tried SeaMonkey since like FF2. But if that's the case, then I definitely support you. FF4 is still eating up my RAM pretty badly. However, compare to Chrome, which also eats as much ram (if not more) and equally support multi-process, firefox is totally not responsive.

I did try FF4 on Linux. Visibly faster than on Windows. If it's not Windows problem, then firefox really need to put more strength on performance on Windows.

Comment Re:statement (Score 1) 277

Well, there is in fact a conflict here. But I wouldn't call it "anti-science". In fact, there is nothing to do with anti science.

A party is elected by people that care about certain things more than others at certain time. In order to maintain their position, a political party in power must adjust and design their policy/aim.

Now, everything costs money. Say, you want cleaner electricity? More money. Better health care? More money. Money is limited, and you can't do everything. So you have to put your money and force on what's currently more important.

Now comes the conflict. Say, a government's priority is on economy, and try to decrease tax. Then they can't allow things that'll clearly negatively affect the economy/taking-more-money-from-our-pocket to happen. Now, those scientists are hired by government, and hence is part of the government. How can you, as a government, allow your departments and or ministers/important-members to have conflict publicly shown without beautifying what's happening or coordinating inside? When there're conflict of interest between departments, you'll need to decide what to do, and that can take time. If a government scientist suddenly come out publically and say something strong against a public policy, then the party in power will at once be attacked by oppositions, whatever reason they use.

Government need a united voice to show a clear path of where it's going. Otherwise, it's just adding problems to the political side while policies are STILL going to be made based on political concern, or even more so if the party in power is under serious attack as they now will need to perform even more politically benefitial policies.

Right or wrong is not absolute in this case. And I personally don't think the new web site will add much since those are really not most people's concern. Or at least, so I think.

Comment Re:Tipping Point (Score 1) 289

Actually, there were already some anti-Chinese situaitions inside Russia. But interestingly, in the south eastern part of Russia where most Chinese labours are, many Russians actually welcome Chinese labours for helping them making use of their land (e.g. farm). Because otherwise, their land will be totally sitting there without much being used (i.e. not bringing themselves income neither). It's not really like colonization as most Chinese there are labours and doesn't have real ownership. And they're not really fighting with local Russians for jobs neither.

As of Mexican "immigration" to USA, they're taking very low wages job. Though that might be fighting for jobs with "some" Americans, they are leaving a lot of wealth in American owner or customer pockets also. And again, many are "in the dark", having no ownership nor right, I'm not sure if you can call that colonization.

Comment Re:But, but... (Score 1) 326

At the end, I still need to say it all goes back to the formation of the communist party. The way it's formed and structured created different power groups within the system. This generation of central government have finally reasonably successfully removed army power within the top organization of central government. But they're still fighting different power groups. The June 4 event was a classic example of power fight. The liberal group of the communist party (in power at the time, in favour of the students) failed to make the young student leaders back down before USSR leader come (that's the bottomline inside the party) even after offering them to sit down and discuss afterwards. (Most students decided to back down, but few/several leaders refused.)

Now, that event was a fight between the conservatives and liberal group within communist party. And the student's refusal to settle gave a big hit on the liberal group, and put the conservative group back in power. To date, there're still some big power groups. And doing things not carefully can destroy your "generation of leaders". Which post a difficulty of overpower the local powers. While the central government always try to get real data from provinces, the provinces decorate and promote the already fake data given by cities. So not only normal people, the central governmnet have problme getting data also.

Communist party was a military organization, and military still play a big role until the most recent time. Any careless move can bring the country extreme instability. Not a problme as simple as you think. For one thing, you don't want the military to get back into power.

Comment Re:Wrong title (Score 1) 437

I totally agree.

Though I read a lot of novels on computer, those are all "just another novel" and won't be read more than once probably. For better books, I'd still buy a physical copy directly. Not only there's a "physical feeling of ownership" and that the "book design looks good on shelf". It's actually much easier on eyes compare to looking at screen.

Any time, if i can find a relatively clean physically copy of book (say, from library), I'll borrow it instead of reading on screen. Monitors are fine for "instant information" (e.g. slash dot) or doing research about common stuff (e.g. how to fix your house's root, or CS algorithm, etc.). But for more static readings (e.g. novels, history, bibiography, etc.), physical books rules.

Comment Re:What I care about (Score 3, Insightful) 150

Agreed. I don't care if he's watching internet porn or not during any time. I only care if he's doing his job well. A politician spending all of his time working for his own benefit (or for his next election? hence doing "his job", or so it seems) might well be doing a worse and less useful job than a politician watching a bit of porn using tax payer funded systems.

Comment Re:other cultures? (Score 1) 122

I don't think it's a matter of self esteem, it's more like a generation difference that make those "news". And by the nature of "news usefulness", I personally see negative news are a lot more eyes catching than positive news, as those are the ones that might damage you or your family and neighbours or the society in some way. At the end, what's the point of reading positive news about "other people" anyway. It's another story if it's "positive news" about a "society/country" in general instead of certain youth group. When those are positive, there are "nothing to complaint about" and hence nothing really matters.

I know enough about my generation that those "negative news" are actually not "news" but "olds" that I've been seeing since I read newspaper or say, since university time. And since you're young, the people you encounter the most are people elder than you, so you are suppose to know their positives and negatives too. It's those younger ones that we in general are less involved deeply with, hence their culture is "news" to us.

--- I personally think it's less a matter about culture in terms of respecting elder people. Of course, its' part of culture. But it's also about the power and status of elderies. Today's corporation culture, they always try to boost profit. And the elder people with higher wage are always seen as the ones to chop off. One might not be chopped off the branch, but I think this kind of corporation culture have a relatively high effect on how cultures respect the elder people. Because it somewhat "hint" (right or not) the usefulness of a person, and their "place" in a family, which in turns also further affect ones view on people of certain age outside your family. If the corporations pay more respect to those elder people with experience, I'm pretty sure the society will change in this.

Sorry, I'm not too good in explaining stuff (without spending time to re-edit, lol), but i guess I have my points through. :)

Comment Re:Culture shift in Japan (Score 1) 226

About "ok Chinese cook", from what I read (and what I know in real life), strangely, many Chinese cook are in a "cook culture" of gambling, smoking, and drinking lots of wine. Gambling is one thing. Smoking and drinking seriously hurt their taste ability, and hence even some "used-to-be-good" Chinese cook who're in those culture eventually make food that're too salty etc. (it's more like Cantonese cook, or south-south-east Chinese cook). There're cases that, after being told that it's too salty, they still can't taste it right. It's because their taste is already damaged. Unfortunate, it is.

On the other hand, some very famous good cook who maintain a relatively healthy life style (ok, some do eat way too much, which is unhealthy, but that doesn't damage their taste), their taste is still extremely sensative when they're really old. Those people won't make food overly salty.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Mozilla botnet ... (Score 1) 287

Personally though, I think silent update is good for minor updates for security and minor fixes. As long as the user know it's updated, it's all fine.

We who know the importance of updating (minor updates for security) wouldn't be a problem. But there are just all too many people outside who, when you ask them if they want an update, they'll refuse to. And then when they have security problem, they'll turn back to shout at Mozilla. I think silent update is good for both end.

It's not like you who care can't turn it off.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 221

The western medias always give heavy (or only) focus on China's military development that they somewhat mislead the western public to "feel" that they're the only one strengthening.

In current China's view, the western countries are not only surrounding them in a "C shape". The official military view is that the western countries, now setting a lot of "military points" inland in the old world, are now surrounding China in a "full moon" shape, hence totally surrounded.

Also India, who still have land dispute with mainland China. And the islands in south Asia sea, which were part of China since the dynasty of Ming, several hundred years ago, with all those south Asia country agreeing about that even after WWII, *until* resource was discovered around that area. And Russia, which is partner of mainland China in some way, while mistrusting each other in many ways.

The communist government is not interested in seeing themselves in a cold war with the west. But as a country, it is facing threats, or at least, feeling so.

Comment Re:TFA should be tagged informative (Score 1) 718

I think you're missing one thing though.

For a *normal* computer user (new or not, but especially new ones), they rely on their friends who "know computer" or "know how to use a computer" to teach them or help them.

And for a normal user, what they need is most often browser, media players, input methods (for all language besides English), and probably a word processor.

Now, the important point. I'm not normal user, but I see enough normal user that they're just not willing to "try" things that is a little more complex than the simplist sotwares.
  • Browser - fine
  • Media player - fine
  • Media (mp3) tag editor - NOT fine. When editing non English text like Chinese or Japanese which has quite a few diff encoding, there is so far no really good editor that can do the job well. I've tried most if not all the most famous tag editors, none works well. In fact, this is one of the most important thing that force me to get back to Windows.
  • Input method - depends if your language have good and intuitive input program on Linux.
  • Word processing - No, Openoffice is not fine for general users. Yes, it's not that complex, but no, it's slower, it doesn't look as good, and users does not know it as good as they know Microsoft Word (although most does not know MSWord very well neither)

So basically, yes, the "OS" of Windows is not really easier than Ubuntu (or should I say, GNOME on Linux?). But application is a big problem still. If we really want to convince people to use Linux, ensure Linux has media tools (music player, media tag editor) that works as good as those best/most-common ones on Windows first.

OpenOffice is actually lesser a problem compare to the above one.

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