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Comment You can't legislate a fix (Score 1) 571

You need to adjust the standards of the group as a whole not the behavior of the individual troll. The problem most often isn't the troll it's the others that either view the material or egg them on instead of flocking to surround the victim and protect them. This is the opposite of the way people behave in real life (with some exceptions) and it could be that all that is needed is time for such standards of behavior to become the norm for online activities as well.

Comment Re:Maybe we need a Surgeon General (Score 1) 384

There is a qualified interim surgeon general -much more qualfied than the Czar that was appointed. The surgeon general that has been nominated is a guy with no real qualification to be surgeon general. He's a smart guy sure and a good doc but so are any number of other people with no business being surgeon general. You don't take a young guy with no real background in leadership (again, he seems like a decent and promising guy long term but isn't anywhere near there yet) and appoint him a freaking vice admiral and surgeon general. It makes no sense that he would get the position just because he's on friendly terms politically with the pres.

Comment Re:I'm still waiting... (Score 1) 161

*If you want to argue against this point on minutia that ignore the reality of how preliminary medical research is performed, please just shut up.

No. I think I'd rather join the chorus of those correcting you. I'm not sure how you got marked insightful; your post was both rude and inaccurate. Embryonic stem cells are not illegal to study or experiment with in the United States.

Comment Re:Would be more interesting with better analysis (Score 1) 447

Religion is just a belief system. Really all humans are religious we just adhere to different beliefs some more clearly defined than others. Once you start congregating at atheist sunday gatherings ritual is developed as well. Of course, you'll also need 'elders' to manage the whole thing... Guess what? You've started an organized religion.

Comment How about the whole system? (Score 1) 389

I am not especially gifted and I learned pretty much everything I know outside of school. I can't even really credit school with teaching me the basics since it was my parents that taught me how to read. Now, I'll be the first to admit that my grammatical skills aren't always the best but even after essentially skipping class throughout high school eventually failing all my classes until I dropped out, I still tested in the top 1-10% in reading comprehension and english and better in science for college entrance... High school and middle school are largely just day care and even college while awesome if you have real academic interests you want to explore is going to become less relevant as the internet continues to permeate our lives. The best thing college does is provide a place to interact with peers who have the same interestsand it charges a pretty steep price for this service. Seems like we need more of an apprenticeship structure that begins in middle and high school and far fewer people going to college -unless the real point of college is to keep them out of the work force and unemployment numbers.

Comment Re:Conservatives crying "no fair"? (Score 2) 283

Conservative ideology in the states is that outcomes are never going to be fair and we shouldn't try to force them to be but that the process itself should strive treat all equally. Equal opportunity vs equal outcome is oft quoted as a key difference between republican and democrat philosophy. Both are of course ideals neither ever going to be completely reached.

Comment Re:Natural immunity (Score 1) 122

I'm afraid you are mistaken. Antibiotics have long been linked to weight gain. This is something that has been common knowledge in the livestock industry since the mid 20th century. As farmers it's something my people are quite familar with. If you want something more recent my first google search pulled up: I'm sure there are other studies.

Comment Re:Amazon prime blows! (Score 1) 85

It's going to be about original serialized content I think. You can't watch all the latest movies on cable for free either and Amazon does have pay per view options. I mean, they're bringing back The Tick

As a prime subscriber for the free shipping already I'll be very happy with just a few new 'TV' shows in genres that I enjoy.

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